Vision :
- Intégration des nouvelles technologies aux seins des sociétés.
- Conseil IT en développement web et hébergement notamment le Cloud.
- Intégration des nouveaux outils de travail plus écologiques et économiques.
- Integration of new technologies breasts companies.
- IT Consulting Web development and hosting including Cloud.
- Integration of new tools to work more ecological and economical.
Technical skills:
Unix/BSD/Linux services: Apache, nginx, HTTPd, FTP (ProFTPd, vsFTPd, PureFTPd), OpenSSH, MySQL, Samba, NFS, Bind/Named, Postfix, MailScanner, SpamAssassin, Syslog, Netfilter/IPTables, SELinux, DHCP, VNC, NTP, SNMPd, tftpd, Squid, SquidGuard, logrotate, debmirror, ClamAV, TCP Wrappers, telnetd, softflowd, WebIssues, LVM (Logical Volume Manager), mdadm (Software RAID), Fail2ban, Portsentry.
Interface management ( Integration ) and management : cPanel, Confluence, Virtualizor, OpenERP, WHMCS, WHM, Wordpress.
Monitoring: Nagios, Munin, MRTG, ntop, BandwidthD, WebAlizer, SoftFlowD, nprobe, logwatch.
Virtualization: VBox, Microsoft Virtual PC / Virtual Server 2005, VMware Workstation / Server / ThinApp, Linux OpenVZ, KVM.
Cloud : OpenStack ( Redhat ).
Mes compétences :
Volley ball
Gestion de projet