Mechanical Technician
October 2012 Till Now:
- HSE (MSDS, Fire Fighter, Permit to Work, Near Miss, Lototo, Confine space)
- English
- Major advices about the nature security and the protection of the atmosphere.
- Pre-Commissioning, commissioning and start-up for SORFERT Plant.
- Gas Turbine : G.E/N.P PGT-10.
- Centrifugal Compressors: 2MCL & 2BCL
- Positive Displacement Compressors: Reciprocating air compressors of Neuman & Easser.
Caterpillar G3516, Waukesha Gas Engine Rand
- Centrifugal & Pumps (Ingersole Dresser, Findre)
- Gas Turbine : G.E/N.P PGT-10.
- Centrifugal Compressors: 2MCL & 2BCL
- Pressure Safety/Relief Valves: Pilot -operated, conventional safety/relief
- Fins Coolers: Forced, induced and natural draft finned tube coolers
- Pressure Vessel, Exchangers (Shell & tube, Plate Type, Floating Heads) and Tanks.
- Portable Equipment: Mobile crane, Fork lifter, hydra-tightening equipment, welding
machines sets, diesel & petrol generators).
- Emergency Electrical Generator
- Three Utility and Instrument Air compressors
- Nitrogen Generation Package
- Liaison with external vendors and contractors directly to discuss
any problem in the field.
- Supervise the commissioning and start-up of any new equipment in the plant
- Gas Compressor 30 MMSCFD Type) (Sulzer Exchangers.
- Anti-Surge Control System
- MCC for all electrical motors.
- Two Air Compressors for Utility Air.
- Fire and Gas Detection systems.
- Fire Water Pumps.
- Perform alignment Jobs between power turbine, gear box and compressor.
The Training & Courses.
- Advanced Course in SULZER PUMPS & Maintenance.
- Advanced Course in Centrifugal Compressor Maintenance
- Vibration Instrument & Condition Monitoring System.
- Alignment & Mechanical Technician
October 2012 Till Now:
- HSE (MSDS, Fire Fighter, Permit to Work, Near Miss, Lototo, Confine space)
- English
- Major advices about the nature security and the protection of the
- Process gas and Lube oil Heat ......
Mes compétences :
Diagnostic des Machines tournantes par Analyse Vib