
Mohammed ELBI


En résumé

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  • Consultant en freelance - Consultant

    2012 - 2013 Consultant en gestion de projet et construction.
  • Syngenta - Program Manager

    Guyancourt 2008 - 2011 Managing and leading various projects around the EAME regions (Annual budget of investments up to 150 M€).
    New Portfolio of project management has been developed, to accelerate the project delivery and efficiency
  • Groupe IRANEX ( CNI Technology) - Site Technichal & Project Manager

    2005 - 2008 Construction of a new production site in Sudan (Greenfield project) (budgets of up to $10M). Increase of production capacity project of an existing site in France (budgets of up to $450K). Various safety and environmental projects improvement of the existing site in France.
    Set-up of TPM (Total productive maintenance) system.
  • Sodalmu Morocco - Project Director

    2002 - 2004 Managing a Greenfield project of new soft drink plant (budget $20M). (From the business case study up to production start-up of the plant), project has been delivered on time and within budget, with a vertical start-up.
  • ATLAS BOTTLING CORPORATION – PEPSI-COLA SA, (Algeria) - Project director

    2000 - 2001 Provided site supervision and field engineering on a diverse range of production construction, demolition and Conversion of Brownfield project within Pepsi-Cola standards (budgets ranging from $450K to $20M).
  • PROCTER & GAMBLE P&G - Project Manager

    1990 - 2000 Provided different site responsibilities during 10 years. Field engineering on a diverse range of commercial construction, new initiatives, demolition and Greenfield projects (budgets ranging from $600K to $20M).
    Major projects are:
    - Managing a Greenfield Project of construction of new liquid and diapers plant.
    - Automation of packing lines of detergent (Tide, Ariel...), by introducing a PLC and supervision to decrease losses and machine breakdowns, and increase the machinery efficiency from 65% to 85%.
    - Capacity increase of paste table, drying system and mixing station of the detergent process unit.
    - New electrical network station to increase the existing power station.
    - Various safety and environmental projects
    - Set-up of an efficient system to improve the capital management investments (New rules, procedures and control systems).


  • Institut Technologique Des Pêche Maritime (Astrakhan)

    Astrakhan 1983 - 1989 Master of science in Engineering & Electromechanical


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