Mes compétences :
World Business Dialogue
- World Business Dialogue Delegate
2013 - maintenantThe "World Business Dialogue" is the world's largest student-run business convention. Here, 60 top-class personalities from economy, science and politics enter a discussion about economically and socially relevant, future-oriented topics with 300 international students and just as many executives, notably from German companies. For 25 years, Cologne University is converted into a convention centre for the economic elite for two days. Also known under its former title "Deutscher Wirtschaftskongress"
- Microsoft Student Partner
Issy-les-Moulineaux.2012 - maintenant
B.L.E.U. Bureau De Liaison Entreprises Université-Université AbouBekr Belkaid (Tlemcen)
Tlemcen2012 - 2012Business Plan
Business - Business Plan, Finance,Startup
Université Abou-Bakr BELKAID (Tlemcen)
Tlemcen2011 - 2013Master
Physique énergétique et matériaux - Nanotechnologie, semi-conducteurs,énergies renouvelables ,Nanomatériaux
Université Abou Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen - Faculté Des Sciences (Tlemcen)
Tlemcen2008 - 2011Licence
Physique énergétique et matériaux - Nanotechnologie,énergies renouvelables,semi-conducteur