Mes compétences :
preventive maintenance
PC Hardware
develop a metology measurement
Rudolph Technologies
- Support
2007 - maintenantdevelop & produce measurement tools for semi- conductor process
a 3D wafer inspection tool & casset verification inspection tool.
breakdown & preventive maintenance, equipment install .
04-06 Manufuctoty Dept. .
Company: K.L.A TENCOR .
K.l.a develop a metology measurement tool for semi- conductor process.
Doing Customer Aaaceptence for OCD machines and did install at customer sites as well .
Rudolph Technologie
- Field service engineer
2007 - maintenantsupport Intel Fab Inspection tools
KLA tencor
- Customer acceptance
2004 - 2006final test assembly .
Nova meassurement
- Engineering
1999 - 2002support proto type .
- Engeenering team support r&d a new project
1999 - 2002Nova develop a integrated measurement tool for semi- conductor proces
Assembly the proto-type machines and support a H\W problem