
Mousumi RAHMAN


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Économie de la santé
Santé Publique


  • Malaria Consortium (Yangon, Myanmar) - Malaria Indicator Survey Coordinator

    2015 - maintenant Led and coordinated the first ever Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS) in Myanmar to determine national disease prevalence while assessing household knowledge, attitudes, and practices. The project was led by MC in collaboration with National Malaria Control Programme Myanmar (NMCP), Department of Medical Research Myanmar (DMR), Myanmar Medical Association (MMA), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), and University of Maryland Baltimore (UMB) with $1.7 million USD budget funded by USAID and 3MDG. The survey was administered at approximately 4,500 households across all states and regions of the country by 176 surveyors including interviewers, blood-takers, supervisors, and team leaders.

    Designed the project work plan and key milestones and deliverables. Recruited and ensured high quality human resources for the project. Developed and strengthened relationships with donors, government institutions, research collaborators, ethnic minority representatives, and external academic institutions including formal contractual agreements as needed. Developed project protocols, questionnaires, manuals, and ethical defense documents. Served as the primary budget holder for the project and prepared periodic donor and internal monitoring and financial reports as needed. Coordinated and facilitated 2 weeks of trainings with project collaborators and survey teams. Organised the procurement of supplies and materials for the fieldwork. Monitored field data collection activities and facilitated donor field visits.

    Directly supervised 11 national staff including the deputy MIS coordinator, database manager, project assistant, and eight field team leaders. Reported directly to the MC country representative in Myanmar.
  • PATH (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) - Consultant

    2014 - 2015 Assisted government and a network of collaborators to identify key barriers and modalities for the scale-up of several pilot cervical cancer prevention programmes in Cambodia. Extrapolating lessons learned from international experts and experiences and strategically interpreting their relevance towards the development of the Cambodia programme. Conducting literature reviews on key topics of interest. Planning and conducting a learning workshop scheduled for January 2015 to establish agreement on the best way forward for the programme and scale-up and seek donor support.
  • World Health Organization (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) - Consultant

    2014 - 2014 Leading the writing of a paper for peer-reviewed publication on the experience of QUOTE TB Light in Cambodia – a patient centered approach for assessing Tuberculosis service delivery and performance.
  • Management Systems International (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) - Consultant

    2014 - 2014 Supported a workshop for an upcoming impact evaluation of a 5-year WASH and nutrition program and provided logistical support for the preliminary stages of its planning and design. Organized meetings with relevant technical laboratories and experts and worked with lead investigator to conceptualize the next steps for the project.
  • Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) - Epidemiologist and Project Manager

    2013 - 2014 Managed and led the Economic Development, Ecosystem Modifications and Emerging Infectious Diseases Risk Evaluation (ECOMORE) project consisting of four primary components: 1) assessment of the national dengue surveillance system; 2) monitoring dengue syndromic cases along transportation corridors; 3) development of a simplified entomological early warning tool for dengue outbreaks; and 4) assessing the burden of dengue cases in private sector health facilities. Coordinated the design of research protocols and questionnaires for each of the four project components; developed terms of references for workshops, national staff, and consultants; secured ethics approval through the National Institute of Public Health; developed networks and agreements with national and provincial partners; organized inception workshops; administered the assessment of the national surveillance system; and recruitment and training of support staff. Developed a comprehensive understanding of the context of the dengue virus in Cambodia and the mitigation program led by National Center for Parasitology, Entomology, and Malaria Control (CNM).
  • University Research & Co - Consultant

    2013 - 2013 Led the design, agreement, and finalisation of four unique cervical cancer pilot prevention programmes including their respective methodologies with partner organizations and government.
  • Fondation Mérieux - Volontaire

    LYON 2013 - 2013 Led the design and development of the National Microbiology Laboratory Network website for Cambodia. Consulted with relevant stakeholders and prospective users to gather insights on required features and design parameters. Organized a workshop for laboratory staff capacity building on microbiological blood culturing methods and linkages to the newly established website.
  • World Health Organization (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) - Consultant

    2012 - 2012 Compiled, evaluated and analyzed national and sub-national data on HIV disease burden, associated risks and HIV
    services and interventions. Researched and summarized literature on partner tracing approaches and identified and
    interviewed international experts. Compiled and compared information provided by various HIV/AIDS
    stakeholders (WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS, FHI360, PSI, KHANA, RHAC, NCHADS, US-CDC, CHAI, etc.) for
    each most at risk population component to design partner tracing options for Cambodia. Designed and conducted a
    qualitative survey among entertainment workers, men who have sex with men and drug users. Conducted field data
    collection activities in urban and rural settings with Khmer field staff. Drafted the partner notification section for
    the standard operating procedures (SOP) for boosted continuum of prevention care and treatment (CoPCT) for most
    at risk population (MARP). Participated in regular meetings with government and NGO stakeholders to draft the
    SOP for boosted CoPCT.
    Developed a concept note for a proposed study to assess the dispensing and prescribing practices of tuberculosis
    medications in pharmacies in Cambodia. Developed TORs to recruit consultants. Conducted a literature review
    about health challenges in the prisons of Cambodia for the development of a national health needs assessment.
    Designed an MS Access database for a survey program on tuberculosis prevalence among migrant populations.
    Participated in a dissemination workshop on the preliminary findings of a TB prevalence survey in Cambodia.



Annuaire des membres :