


En résumé

- Ability to manage high volume of work with accuracy within deadlines
- Ability to prioritize workload, including business and team needs
- Good organization skills
- Ability to handle conflict situations
- Act with a high level of flexibility
- Ability to work in a multicultural team in a central European set-up
- Networking capabilities
- Ability to contribute in a fast moving environment

Mes compétences :


  • Renault - Chef d'UET

    Boulogne-Billancourt maintenant
  • Renault Technologie Roumanie - Head of Vendor Tooling Costing Unit

    2006 - maintenant Renault Technologie Roumanie (RTR) is the only engineering centre in the East-European and Mediterranean area that will grow, in the near future, into the biggest Renault engineering centre outside the French borders, with almost 3000 employees.

    Responsibilities, Achievements:

    Coordinating the activity of:

    - Construction of budgets for tools investments in future projects.
    - Modifying budgets in order to assure the convergence of the imposed targets.
    - Monitoring and reporting the tools purchasing in order to avoid forecast deviations.
    - Making the tools purchasing performance analysis (Bottom-up/Forecast)
    - Toolmakers benchmarking activity:
    * Finding new tools suppliers
    * Up-dating the actual supplier's data.
    * Contributing to the tools suppliers' improvement.
    * Calculating the country performance based on the benchmarking studies.


    - Actuate daily activities of the team in accordance with the dashboard, priorities and project's annual planning.
    - Prioritize workload, including business and team needs.
    - Meet agreed deadlines for action and feedback.
    - Permanently ensure adequacy of the charges/resources ratio.
    - Build and follow up the annual objectives of the team (also correct the deviations).
    - Build and follow up the training plan of the team members.
    - Provide coaching and training as needed.
    - Manage the daily interaction with the French team in Technocentre Renault (through management points, missions in France).
    - Participate in board meetings in Technocentre-Guyancourt.
    - Active participation in the company’s training and employing programme (interviews, forums) in order to develop the team (according to the objectives established at the beginning of the year).
  • Componente Auto Topoloveni - Head of Design Office

    2001 - 2006 Company focused on first assembly and spare parts in automotive market: suspension ball-joints, steering tie-rods, engine valves, piston pins, hand brake levers, gear-box actuating linkage, stamped parts.

    Responsibilities, Achievements:

    Coordinator of Design Office activity:
    - new parts design
    - prototypes: design, manufacturing, testing.
    - serial parts modernization
    - new or advanced parts validation
    - benchmarking activity
    - elaboration of technical documentation (technical requirements, norms, standards, and others)
    - warranty claims investigation; organization of meetings together with company's suppliers and customers for finding solutions

    Coordinator of testing activity (endurance stands and other testing equipments)

    Coordinator of company's Technical Library; supplying with standards and publications; relationship with publishing-houses: ASRO-Editura tehnica, OID-ICTCM, and others

    Coordinator of registering activity with State Office for Inventions and Trademarks.

    Respondent of quality assurance for Design Office, according with ISO 9001 requirements:
    - procedures, working instructions, norms elaboration
    - subordinate personnel training
    - component of internal auditing board
    - board component auditor in supplier audit commision.

    - Procedures elaboration/modification, working instructions, norms, in order to ISO/TS 16949 certification.

    - ACAROM (Romanian Automotive Manufacturers Association) contact person, participant in ACAROM meetings and projects.

    - Supplier Administrator of Renault Supplier Portal for our company.

    Calitas - Quality Resources Centre (Graduation date: 2005)
    - Human Resources Management
    - Project Management
    - Restriction Management
    - Six Sigma (with practical project)
    - Lean Manufacturing

    Dacia Institute for Quality and Management (Graduation date: 2004)
    - FMEA(AMDEQ) and Functional Analysis
    - Vehicle Demerite Exigency Evolution
    - Performance by Total Quality
    - ISO dimensioning and tolerancing

    Product/Process Level 2 Quality Analyst - Renault Indicative Code: M 710-00-08
  • Componente Auto Topoloveni - Engineer technologist for Tools Shop Section

    2000 - 2001 Company focused on first assembly and spare parts in automotive market: suspension ball-joints, steering tie-rods, engine valves, piston pins, hand brake levers, gear-box actuating linkage, stamped parts.

    Responsibilities, Achievements:
    Coordinator of manufacturing and recovering activity for tools, devices and verificators.
    Rate-setting activity for Tools manufacturing;
    Tools life and tools consumption calculation.

    Coordinator of quality assurance for Tools Shop Section following ISO 9001 certification:
    - elaboration of procedures, working instructions; parts traceability; set-up of Tooling activity according with ISO 9001 requirements.

    References, Other observations:
    I was in charge like Tools Shop Chief in 08.2000-02.2001 period (coordinatior of all the activities for 120 employers in Tools Shop Section)
  • Componente Auto Toploveni - Engineer-Research Group, part of Assimilation Division

    1998 - 2000 Company focused on first assembly and spare parts in automotive market: suspension ball-joints, steering tie-rods, engine valves, piston pins, hand brake levers, gear-box actuating linkage, stamped parts.

    Responsibilities, Achievements
    - new parts and prototypes design
    - benchmarking activity
    - investigation for the parts broken in guaranty period; finding solutions
    - new parts validation
    - suppliers validation
  • Componente Auto Toploveni - Engineer technologist for TDV activity in Cold-pressing Section

    1995 - 1998 Company focused on first assembly and spare parts in automotive market: suspension ball-joints, steering tie-rods, engine valves, piston pins, hand brake levers, gear-box actuating linkage, stamped parts.

    Responsibilities, Achievements
    - coordination and improving the activity of Tools manufacturing and rmaintenance
    - new Tools design
    - coordination of Tools-storage activity
    - rate-setting for Tools manufacturing activity; tools consumption establish
    - relationship with Tools external suppliers


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :