
Mugurel SERBAN


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Fixed Assets
reactive maintenance
proactive maintenance
fire management
acst management
Process Improvement
Petrom Other skills
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Project
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Fault finding


  • HOUSING FRANCE - Commissioning Supervisor

    2013 - 2014 Company: Bico Industries
    Working city : ABROAD
    Department: Construction / installation / design
    Company activity field : Construction of wooden houses
    Responsibilities : Verification execution and finishing
  • MKN Construction S.R.L - Antreprenor

    2013 - maintenant

    2013 - maintenant Salary : CONFIDENTIAL
    Department: Construction / installation / design
    Company activity field : Construction
    Responsibilities : Administrator
    Recommendations : I am a manager, and administrator firma.Eaeste new collaborations established and looking for contract work
  • Bin Elements Constructions - SITE MANAGER

    2013 - maintenant Salary : CONFIDENTIAL
    Department: Procurement / Logistics / Supply
    Company activity field : Civil and industrial finishes
    Responsibilities: coordinate the finishes and turnkey execution of the schools in the county Buzau.Coordonare chip dry wallers , preparation of formal documents functiune.Supraveghere works financed from EU funds .
  • BPM International - Engineer & Technical Director

    2012 - 2013 Salary: 2100
    Department: Construction / installation / design
    Company activity field: installation , construction, construction equipment supplies in Belgium
    Responsibilities: Installation instalatiisi production equipment air conditioning equipment, HVAC .
    Read installation and verification plans their implementation .
    Achievements : Complete partial HVAC Hospital Leuven - Belgium
  • PMP CONSTRUCTIONS Kft Allemagne - Chef de chantier

    2012 - 2012 Équipes de coordination des charpentiers, serruriers, maçons, les situations de travail, non-conformités, l'évaluation

    2012 - maintenant Company: PMP CONSTRUCTION Ltd
    Working city : ABROAD
    Department: Construction / installation / design
    Company activity field : services in civil and industrial construction in Germany
    Responsibilities: Team carpenters, blacksmiths, lacatisi , settlement , payment situations , verification plans.
    Recommendations: Owner Company - 0040735535682 - Mr Preda
    Achievements: Pouring concrete walls apparently over 6m tall.
    Execution of masonry partitions , foundations under the walls dspartitoare continue .
    Compliance time schedule .

    Department: Construction / installation / design
    Company activity field : Civil , industrial and agricultural
    Responsibilities: works contracts , coordinating teams of carpenters, blacksmiths, locksmiths , precast concrete installation , testing documentation , relations with local authorities .
    Checking tender documentation .
    Achievements: the Contract , coordinating teams of carpenters, blacksmiths, locksmiths , precast concrete installation , testing documentation , relations with the local
  • SC CONSTRIF SA IALOMITA ROMANIA - Chef de service technique - ingénieur en chef (temps plein)

    2011 - 2012 Suivi de production, l'esprit d'entreprise.
    De suivre frais et le choix des solutions économiques d'exécution.
    Encadrement dans la réduction des frais et dépens.
    L'optimisation des effectifs selon les journaux.
    Évaluation et de conformité avec des graphiques d'exécution.

    2010 - maintenant Salary : 1200 EURO
    Department: Construction / installation / design
    Company activity field : metallurgy
    Responsibilities : Preparation of transformation leader in proactive maintenance of reactive maintenance , fault finding out and determining the cause of transformation in thinking and reactive way proacriv decision , we concluded that cycle through a degree of appreciation of the achievements in this sense , I went to exercise the function for which we diploma of civil engineering and industrial , control and supervision of civil construction, modernization and reconstruction of blast furnace no. 5
    I supervised the work and removal and construction technology to all shares in the furnace , ie , columns, beams , platforms , foundations , concrete, tile work and cooperate with proiectantii.In monolite.Am while I worked with supervisors on Civil Office ArcelorMittal Belgium.
    Recommended : George Ctin
    - The department director -investment projects
    Benefits: Meal tickets , phone
  • ArcelorMittal - Local Change Leader - superviser les travaux de construction (contrat)

    2009 - 2011 Après une période de formation de la transformation comme un leader, a pris fin avec un diplôme mérite, nous sommes allés au cours de leur travail pour le génie civil, de contrôle et la supervision des travaux de construction civile, la transformation et la reconstruction aucun four. 5
    Superviser le travail démontage et de la technologie et la construction de toutes les actions en la fournaise, respectivement, des colonnes, des poutres, des plates-formes, des fondations en béton, dalles jeté.
    Nous travaillons très étroitement avec des designers.
  • OMV - Project manager

    Paris 2005 - 2005 , I served as project manager in the Division Marketing,
    My responsibilities including:
    1 Communication and collaboration Maintenance team manager .
    2 Director commissions receptions filling stations and warehouses incuzand execution and verification of documentation and how to achieve on the ground.
    Coordinate the execution of construction works .
    Tracking works and settle them in the FIDIC contracts YELLOW
    3 Ensure that assets purchased are used and maintained
    4 Undertake documentation of technical risk
    5 guidance to the inventory of fixed assets
    6 Capture utility assessments on fixed assets
    7 Approval of transfers of fixed assets
    8 Contribution to process improvement and overall quality within work teams
    9 Check the status field work
    Obtaining all permits and approvals for the reconstruction of stations and demolition deposits.
    Ending all station modernization of the area of ​​responsibility (8 counties in SE).
    MF inventory of all that are in my area of responsibility.
    Making MF transfers . To other warehouses and stations , to check their installation or storage .
    The schedule machines , their reception .
    Recommendations: Ms. Joan hammer - head dep.Controlling
    Benefits: tickets , car service, phone , laptop
  • OMV PETROM ROMANIA - Chef de projet

    1997 - 2009 1.Une communication et de collaboration de l'équipe de manager d'entretien
    2 Chef commissions réceptions stations de remplissage et de dépôts, y compris documents attestant l'exécution et la façon d'atteindre l'terrain. Coordination de l'exécution des travaux de construction .
    3 S'assurer que les biens achetés sont utilisés et entretenus
    4 Inventaire d'orientation des commissions fixes
    5 évaluations des actifs de services publics
    6 Approbation du transfert d'actifs immobilisés
    7 Contribution à l'amélioration des processus et la qualité globale de l'équipe
    Obtenir tous les permis et autorisations nécessaires à la démolition et la reconstruction des stations
    Achèvement de tous de la modernisation les postes dans le domaine de la responsabilité (8 comtés S-E de la pays).
    Inventaire de tous les MF, situé dans ma zone de responsabilité.
    Faire MF transferts. Pour d'autres entrepôts et des gares, pour vérifier l'installation ou stockées.
  • OMV Petrom Romania - PROJECT MANAGER

    1997 - maintenant Salary: 4000
    Department: Engineering
    Company activity field: extraction , processing and distribution of petroleum products
    Checking for compiling the designers to obtain permits and approvals from state authorities in eight counties located in the SE , coordination and verification of designers in projects stations and warehouses.
    Also acst management contracts FIDIC RED .
    Planning and delivering quarterly investment plan and the acquisition of fixed assets anual.Urmarirea mounting without mounting .
  • Achtrum - Sef

    1996 - 1997 Working city : ABROAD
    Department: Construction / installation / design
    Company activity field : Civil and industrial constructions Israel
    Responsibilities: Supervision and coordination of the execution.
    I led teams trades ( consisting of 30-40 people ) on sites in Israel
    assemblies residential and industrial construction site Aschelon . Oversight and coordination execution of infrastructure works and finishes.
    Coordination teams in the execution of trades on site at tarmocentrale turbine foundations , apartment buildings and homes floor structure .
    Coordinated and verified pouring concrete for concrete reinforcement assemblies after construction plans and projects in English, and / or French
    Benefits: house and transport
  • Achtrum ISRAEL - Site Leader (contrat)

    1995 - 1997 Supervision and coordination of works execution.
    I led teams on various trades (consisting of 30-40 people) on sites in Israel
    1995 - 1996 Chief parts production base prefabricated prestressed reinforcements
    in place. Aschdot
    1996 - Construction site 1997Sef Aschelon residential and industrial assemblies.
    Supervision and coordination of infrastructure works and finisaje.Coordonare
    execution teams in the execution of trades on site at tarmocentrale turbine
    foundations, apartment buildings and residential structures and verified
    parter.Coordonat pouring concrete, reinforcement for concrete after assembly
    plans and projects Building language englezasi / or Frence.
  • Achtrum - Director Production base

    1995 - 1996 Working city : ABROAD
    Department: Construction / installation / design
    Company activity field : Civil and industrial constructions Israel
    Responsibilities: Supervision and coordination of the execution.
    I led teams trades ( consisting of 30-40 people ) on sites in Israel
    exchange prefabricated prestressed reinforcement in place . Aschdot
  • Industrial Building Trust Bucharest - SITE MANAGER & CONSTRUCTION SITE LEADER

    1985 - maintenant Salary : CONFIDENTIAL
    Department: Construction / installation / design
    Company activity field: Industrial and civil construction
    Responsibilities: Coordinate executive teams earthworks road and rail with the arrangement and operation of their special foundations for machinery and buildings with metal structure in spring , slide towers combined granular chemical to the final rate concomitant with the rise the metallic flooring 24 to ( H = 56 m ) .
    Coordination Team for execution castles water slide pool , construction of water supply with underground tanks .
    I coordinated and guided economic and technical production base in the yard making prefabricated concrete pillars , beams , foundations , walls, etc .
    All they have done in the chemical plant of 2nd stage Slobozia a.Tot as we coordinated the dock , until the PIF Petrom oil depot , consisting of networks of food products , distribution, articulated arms , storage tanks .
    manageability civilian and military teams in achieving a set of residential and transport equipment base and sesvice the nuclear plant site in Cernavoda - Romania .
    I had under team 50-60 people on specific trades execution works .
    I coordinated execution of housing in the nuclear power plant in Cernavoda.
    Recommendations: ing.Teodor Ichim
    Benefits: Car , accommodation
  • T.C.Industrielle - Chef chantier

    1984 - 1995 Coordination des travaux routiers et talus de voies ferrées pour l'espace et
    la mise en service de leurs, fondations spéciales pour les machines et la structure industrielle des bâtiments soudage à l'arc, glisser tours usine chimique granulaire, de partager final en concomitance avec de levage plancher métallique de 24 à (H = 56 m).
    La coordination fonctionne l'exécution avec des tours billard toboggan, réservoirs d'eau, de l'exécution alimentaire souterraine.
    Je conduisais dans le site de base économique et technique
    atteindre une production de poteaux en béton préfabriqués, poutres, fondations, murs, etc.
    Tout ce qu'ils ont fait dans l'usine chimique de Slobozia Arondisment Ialomita-Romania-l'étape 2.
    Aussi comme je l'ai coordonné le quai jusqu'à ce que la mise en service de
    Petrom dépôt pétrolier, constitué des réseaux de pouvoir
    produits, la distribution, bras articulés, les réservoirs de stockage.
    Je conduisais équipes civiles et militaires dans la création d'un quartier résidentiel
    Équipement de transport et le site sesvice base de la centrale nucléaire de
    Cernavoda - Roumanie.
    J'ai réussi équipes de 50-60 personnes, les métiers des travaux spécifiques .
    J'ai coordonné l'exécution du boîtier de la centrale nucléaire de Cernavoda.

    1981 - maintenant Company: Trust local civil
    Working city : Slobozia
    Department: Construction / installation / design
    Company activity field: housing construction and water supply
    Responsibilities: Supervision works ctii homes.
    Commissioning assemblies finctiune residential housing and apartment buildings .
    We executed alomentari with water tanks and sewage systems in Ialomita and constant .


  • Institute Of Bucharest (Bucuresti)

    Bucuresti 1975 - 1979 Courses, certificates & awards
    Mumbai Petrom Marketing Trading Courses
    Degree of technical risk and fire management.


Annuaire des membres :