


En résumé

After a solid experience of one year and a half as an Assistant retailer in the spanish subsidiary of Lonchamp, SL in Madrid, I thought it would be a great advantage for me to become fluent in english as well.
Plus, I wanted to know more about communication and marketing. That is why I did a six months internship as a PR for "Dans le Noir?" restaurant in London, subsidiary of Trade Connection. Working in this restaurant was for me the opportunity to learn about events organization and to increase my professional experience in the international management field.
Indeed, I have a Master II in International Management, specialised in International Commerce.

I am now graduated and after various applications to work as a sales administrator, or in the logistical field, I took the initiative to become a translator in french, english and spanish while I keep applying for jobs. It allows me to work in freelance, and with real passion! Any topic is welcome, I already translated for example some cooking videos, the biographies of various starred chefs for a gastronomy website, some documents about oenology, etc.
In the meanwhile I am still looking for a great opportunity to work within a SMB or an international company.

Do not hesitate to let me know if you are interested in my various experiences, I am convinced that I can help you for the translation of your website, your official documents, your advertisement, or for the growth of your company!


  • Entreprise individuelle en Traduction - Traductrice

    2015 - maintenant Auto-entrepreneur, j'ai crée cette entreprise et suis donc en charge de toutes les tâches concernant l'entreprise, de la prospection des agences et entreprises à la livraison et facturation des traductions, en passant par la prise de contact avec le client.
  • "Dans le Noir?" LDN restaurant, UK subsidiary of Trade Connection - Responsable Communication/Presse

    2013 - 2014 Trainee in charge of the booking and press relation of the restaurant:
    - Booking and welcoming of the customers
    - Logistic and events organisation with partners and journalists.
    - Interaction with the UK and the international press.
    - Updating of the website, newsletter, press revue, etc
    - In charge of the restaurant's visual communication
  • Longchamp, S.L - Assistant Retail Manager

    2011 - 2012 - Stock management of the show room and of each of the sixteen retails outlets in Spain; stocklists
    - Logistic between France and Spain with the Movex program: placing orders, ensuring the continued supply of the products, answer to every problem during the delivery of the order
    - Monthly invoicing
    - Involvement in shops opening in Spain
    - Informatic and phone support to the salesmen in their daily work.



Annuaire des membres :