


En résumé

Recherche d’un poste d’Ingénieur Réseaux et Télécom, Project support manager ou Technico-commercial,
j’ai la capacité de travailler à l’étude, au déploiement et à l’exploitation d’un réseau téléphonique mobile, fixe et informatique ; avec de très bonnes aptitudes techniques, managériales et commerciales.

Mes compétences :
IP / MPLS (MultiProtocol Label Switching)
Medium Term Notes
Cisco systems Switches/Routers
timely training
good technical skills
front office
corrective and preventive maintenance
Visual Basic
SQL server 2000
Purchase Orders
Object Oriented Analysis/Design
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
Network design and planning
Microsoft Access
Installation and Commissioning
Data Centre
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
Alcatel training
4G Networks
3G Networks
2G Networks


  • Orange Côte d'Ivoire - Quality Control Manager & Trainer

    abidjan 2013 - 2015 Continuous and timely training on demand ; Evaluation, coaching and ensuring the growing competence
    of front office staffs through monitoring the compliance of the quality of the reception and processing of
    calls from internal and external customers , ensuring the transmission of information to listed entities
    while ensuring the quality of databases.
  • GOODWILL Audit&Consulting - Technical Assistant

    2012 - 2013 : Technical Assistant Supervisor and team leader in charge of the organizing teams (technical, planning and logistics) , analysis
    and reporting for the MTN LIBERIA task on all of their technical infrastructure (Radio Sites, Switch
    Server room, Data center , energy ... ) .
  • Orange Côte d'Ivoire - Technician multitasking

    abidjan 2012 - 2012
    Administration of the IP / MPLS network , supervision of all infrastructures using Oceane and Centreon .
    Operating , corrective and preventive maintenance of IP/MPLS access equipment Router Cisco and
    Alcatel 7750 with good knowledge of routing protocols BGP , OSPF , RIP ...
    Also xDSLs access equipment, IP/MPLS (DSLAM, MSAN).
  • GOODWILL Audit & Consulting - Technical Assistant

    2009 - 2011 : Technical Assistant Audit engagement for mobile operators MTN GHANA, MTN RWANDA and ZAIN CHAD on their 2G
    network and technical infrastructure, 2.5G and 3G.
  • Huawei - UMTS/GSM BSS Product Manager

    Boulogne Billancourt 2009 - 2009 Analysis and presentation of 3G and 4G Telecom offers.
  • GOODWILL Audit & Consulting - Technical Assistant

    2008 - 2008 Physical inventory of technical sites COTE D'IVOIRE TELECOM
    (Optical Access Network and copper;. Switching, energy, microwave and optical equipment)
  • Orange Côte d'Ivoire - Technician

    abidjan 2007 - 2007 Installation, support and maintenance (ADSL, Wireless and DIAL-UP)
  • Orange Côte d'Ivoire - Telecom Technician

    abidjan 2006 - 2007 Study and development of wireline access network (optical and copper), completion of work and
    documentation with AUTOCAD.


  • Groupe Ifpg-Isfpt (Abidjan)

    Abidjan 2009 - 2011 Engineering
  • City And Guilds Of London Institute (London)

    London 2004 - 2006 Advanced Diploma

    Telecommunication Systems(Option Radio Systems)
  • Collège Moderne Voltaire Marcory - IVESTP CMV-IVESTP (Abidjan)

    Abidjan 2000 - 2003 Baccalaureate Scientific

    Collège moderne VOLTAIRE


Annuaire des membres :