


En résumé

Consultant BSCS ix release 2, release 3
Conception et Développement JAVA/J2EE
Consultant certifié HighDeal release 4.1 édition FULL
Intégration des SI
Diplôme national d’ingénieur en Génie Logiciel de l'INSAT

Mes compétences :
Rating process management
JavaServer Faces
User management
Resource management
Oracle 10G
Microsoft SQL Server
Java 2 Enterprise Edition
GUI Applications
traditional business case development
network administration
manage this project
manage the integration
manage deliveries
delivery management
XML Schema
Web Application Development
Visual Basic .NET
Visual Basic
Technical support
Struts Web Application Framework
Spring Framework
Rational Rose
Oracle Toad
Migration management
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Visual Studio
Microsoft Project
Microsoft C-SHARP
Microsoft Access
Microsoft ASP.NET
Microsoft .NET Technology
Merise Methodology
Macromedia Dreamweaver
Java Swing
Java Servlets
Java Server Pages
Jakarta TOMCAT Servlet Engine
Enterprise Java Beans
Customer Relationship Management
C Programming Language
Billing process management
ADDON SERVER project implementation



    Tunis maintenant
  • Talan Tunisie - Project Manager - CNM Integration - Tunisiana

    Tunis 2013 - maintenant In the context of outsourcing resources from BSCS, I manage the integration of Comptel Number Manegement in the SI Tunisiana.
    Participate in workshops
    Studying the process of managing existing resources
    Study the migration of resources to CNM
    Define the treatment and communication with the Tibco ESB
    Validate specifications, developments and delivery management
  • Talan Tunisie - Project Manager - BSCS

    Tunis 2012 - 2013 Project Manager - BSCS - CMS customization - Tunisiana
    ADDON Phase 8 - 2 months
    A continuity of ADDON SERVER project implementation of an SOI framework for our client Tunsiana. I manage this project (a team of 3 developers CMS). Specification and development of CIL and CMS commands for managing new unsupported features in the standard BSCS.

    ADDON ESB project - 7 months
    As part of the implementation of an ESB Tibco bus in Tunisiana, we participated with the ADDON ESB project to implement a set of SOI commands (CIL and CMS) to satisfy the different Customer Care features in BSCS.
    My job was managing this project (a team of 5 CMS developers), defining requirements in workshop with the client, specifying INPUTS, OUTPUTS and the business logic of each developed command, development and integration of SOI commands in different management processes in Tunisiana. I validate test plans. I manage deliveries and different CR.

    Tibco BSCS Adapter - 1 mois
    As part of the implementation of an ESB Tibco bus in Tunisiana, we participated with the Tibco BSCS adapter project. A Tibco adapter for managing SOI calls: Managing pools and transaction, managing of SOI commands calls...

    BU & offer and call control - 4 months
    Setting up of two new business unit in the SI BSCS Tunisiana.
    Migration management of clients of Default Business Unit
    Implementation of a new offer ``call and control'' with advance payment. Development of certain SOI commands to satisfy management rules of this offer.
  • Orange - Rebranding ADSL - Qualification team

    Paris 2010 - 2011 Working on the "Rebranding ADSL" project, reading specifications, writing test books, validation of processes taking orders on CRM, CX and PosCX, validation of the provisioning, validating the Rating and Billing on the mobile and ADSL markets.
    Technical support to the business tests.
  • Orange - Qualification team

    Paris 2010 - 2012 Integration of the Qualification team of the operator Orange Tunisia :
    Working on the validation of bugs and production incidents fixes.
    Validation of new offers
    Rating process management, handling of some types of rating rejections, injection of CDR in the rating chain, billing processing...
  • Orange - Support Team

    Paris 2010 - 2010 Integration of the operation team of the operator Orange Tunisia. Supervision and administration of the various BSCS processes. Handling incidents in PROD.
  • Tunisiana - BSCS consultant - Design & Development

    Tunis 2010 - 2010 Integration of the project team "Integration of business processes."
    Designing a SOI Framework : New CIL and CMS servers
    Development of some specific CMS and CIL commands.
    Development of some CX solution units : customizing jsp pages, manipulation of models, manipulation of SoiModelContainer
  • SCSI - Team leader - Monitoring Activity

    2009 - 2009 Team leader of the project « Monitoring Activity » - JSF technology
    Development of a monitoring activity application for the company SCSI.
    MVC model, SQL Server data base.
  • TALAN Tunisie - Consultant Billing BSCS

    Tunis 2009 - maintenant Depuis Novembre 2010 :
    Customisation CMS – Tunisiana – BSCS release 3
    Intégration du projet « Projet intégration des processus métier dans BSCS » Développement and intégration de commandes CMS
    Préparation des cahiers de test

    Juin - Octobre 2010 :
    Exploitation Orange Tunisie
    Intégration de l’équipe exploitation de l’opérateur Orange Tunisie. Supervision et administration des différents processus BSCS. Traitement des incidents PROD

    Mai – Juin 2010:
    Conception et aide au développement d’un FRAMEWORK SOI - Tunisiana
    Conception d’un Framework SOI : Nouveaux serveurs CIL et CMS
    Développement de quelques commandes CMS & CIL spécifiques.
    Développement de quelques Solution Units CX : personnalisation de pages jsp, manipulation des modèles, manipulation du SoiModelContainer

    Depuis Mai 2010 :
    Consultant BSCS
    Intégration du département Billing de la société TALAN Tunisie en tant que consultant junior BSCS.

    Aout – décembre 2009 :
    Chef de projet « Monitoring Activity » - technologie JSF
    Développement d’une application de suivie d’activité pour la société SCSI.
    Modèle MVC, base de données SQL Server

    Aout – Décembre 2008 :
    Réalisation du projet de fin d’étude au sien de la Société Générale, Paris la défense
    Réalisation de plusieurs tâches au sein du projet Pre-Closing : Administrations SQL Oracle 10g (SQL*Plus et SQLDeveloper), Amélioration du batch RTFE (Gestion de sécurité : Java)
  • Societe Generale - Final project

    PARIS 2008 - 2008 Completion of the final project in his study in Societe Generale,
    Completion of several tasks within the project Pre-Closing: Administration Oracle 10g SQL (SQL * Plus and SQLDeveloper) Improved batch RTFE (Security Management: Java)


  • Training Comptel Number Management (Tunis)

    Tunis 2013 - 2013 Certificat CNM

    Configuring Number and IP identifiers
    Configuring Number and IP ranges
    Configuring Pools
  • Talan (Tunis)

    Tunis 2013 - 2013 BSCS Training

    Configuring Rateplans and services
    Configuring cost control
    Configuring system scenario
    Configuring FreeUnits and Promotion packages (MI&MIH)
    Detailed training of Rating and Billing process management
  • Talan (Tunis)

    Tunis 2010 - 2010 Training BSCS

    Overview BSCS iX Release 2
    User management and access rights with SY online module
    Resource management with RA online module
    Rate plan and Services definition with PX online module.
    CX customization : Adding specific Solution units
    CMS and CIL customization: implementation of new SOI servers, development of new commands.
    Overview of Rating and Billing process: Rating
  • SCSI (Tunis)

    Tunis 2009 - 2009 Certificate Highdeal

    Training conducted by Highdeal through certification with traditional business case development.
  • National Institute Of Applied Sciences And Technology (Tunis)

    Tunis 2003 - 2009 National Diploma Engineer Software Engineering
  • INSAT (Institut National Des Sciences Appliqués Et De Technologies) (Tunis)

    Tunis 2003 - 2009 Génie Logiciel


Annuaire des membres :