- Corporate Office Administrator
2015 - 2017
Human Resources
• HR Policies and Procedures
• Office policies and procedures
• Recruitment.
• Assigning and monitoring the work of secretarial, clerical and administrative staff.
• Team building events
• Staff attendance
• Expatriates Management (visas, insurance, family transfers, allowances, ongoing costs)
Office management & Administration:
• Corporate office relocation from KSA to UAE
• Administrative management, directory maintenance, logistics, equipment inventory and storage.
• Coordination between departments, suppliers, clients and operating units in resolving day-to-day administrative and operational problems.
• Management of meetings, interviews, events and other similar activities.
• Exhibitions : Arab Health- from booth building to management on site
• Multifaceted general office support
• Travel arrangements (flights and accomodation)
• Assistance to Top Management in day to day activities (President, Vice President, CEO, CFO, CIO, Directors)
• Petty cash
Reported to Chief HR Officer of AMiCO Group.
Banet Food Company
- Marketing Manager
2014 - 2015
- Develop and implement a local and national marketing strategy for both restaurants Balsamico (one branch) and Panino’s (23 branches) : in-house advertising, benchmarking, business development (new branches, corporate clients, offers).
- Coordinate with area sales managers (Jeddah and Riyadh), operations manager, quality manager, and finance department for proper implement of marketing strategy.
- Develop and implement Balsamico and Panino’s brands and engage the local community on social media with creative contents. Expand the audience of both brands through organic and paid growth.
Saturn Human Resources Consultants
- Consultante RH / HR Consultant
2012 - 2012
Rédaction et publication de descriptifs de postes, sourcing et chasse-tête à l'aide de base de données, réseaux sociaux, sites d'emploi, sites web, publicités dans les journaux, etc, en tenant compte du retour sur investissement.
Exposant à l'événement Gitex à Dubaï, Émirats Arabes Unis du 14 au 18 octobre afin de promouvoir les nouveaux services RH externalisables de Saturn HRC pour les entreprises IT.
Assisted and lead with headhunting and search tasks using database, social media, job boards, websites, newspaper ads, etc. taking into consideration ROI.
Exhibited at the Gitex event in Dubai, UAE from Oct 14th-18th introducing Saturn HRC's new HR outsourcing services to the IT companies.
- Gestionnaire d'expatriation / Expatriate Advisor
2011 - 2012
Pour la région France/Royaume Uni, ma mission est d’assister les "expatriate advisors" dans leurs activités quotidiennes.
Tâches et Missions principales, responsabilités :
- Elaboration de contrat d’expatriation
- Suivi des dossiers des personnes en cours d’expatriation
- Contribution à l’amélioration du processus interne
- Suivi des dépenses des expatriés en lien avec la politique applicable
- Mises à jour des ordres de paiement de primes d’expatriation
For the Region France/UK/Germany/Spain, assisted expatriate advisors in their daily activities: elaboration of expatriation contracts, follow-up of on-going assignments, contribution on improving the internal process, expenses treatment of expatriates according to applicable policies, updates of payment orders of expatriation allowances.
City One
- Hôtesse en évenementiel
2011 - 2012
- Assistante RH pour les HRBPs Finance et ICT
2011 - 2011
J'ai été en charge de l'implémentation et déploiment du projet Career Path au sein de la population de la Finance. Dans ce cadre, j'ai du assurer la liaison avec les dirigeants des projets afin de proposer un modèle facile à utiliser basée sur les mouvements de carrière concrets au sein et hors de la fonction. J'ai également développé et proposé un plan de communication connexe pour le déploiement au sein de la fonction.
Qui plus est, j'ai parallallèlement été chargée de soutenir la Head off chef des HRBPS Finance et ICT et des membres de l'équipe dans toutes les activités quotidiennes.
In charge of supporting the implementation and deployment of the Career Path within Finance, liaising with HRBPs and projects leaders to suggest a model easy to use based on concrete career moves within and out of the function.
Université Toulouse 1 Capitole
- Présidente Association M2 DSTE
Toulouse Cedex 9
2010 - 2011
Gestion de l’association et promotion du Master 2 Droit et Sciences du Travail Européen (DSTE), organisation d’un Colloque sur "Les risques psycho-sociaux dans l'entreprise", organisation d'événements, prises de décisions et gestion d’une équipe d'une trentaine de personnes, avec gestion et mise à jour de l’annuaire des anciens du Master.
Phone Régie
- Stage Assistante RH / Internship HR Assistant
2009 - 2009
Au cours du stage , les missions qui m'ont été attribuées ont été :
- organisation de sessions de recrutement en autonomie,
- gestion des paies,
- assistance juridique,
- gestion des compétences,
- prospection téléphonique et physique,
- établissements des contrats de travail
- déclarations au sein des organismes sociaux chargés de l’emploi,
- suivi des dossiers individuels en fonction des catégories de salariés,
- reclassement du personnel.
Recruitment and staffing logistics, regular search on databases for relevant candidates according to the company’s standards, keeping track of the CVs, employee orientation, development, and training logistics and recordkeeping; assisting with employee relations; company employee communication; employee services; maintaining employee files and the HR filing system; assisting with the day-to-day efficient operation of the HR office.
MAHOLA Hôtesses
- Hospitality
2008 - 2013
For evenings, product launches, road shows, seminars, conventions, congresses, parties, concerts...
- Bilingual or trilingual hospitality staff: reception of guests and VIPs, noting down personal information…
- Interpreters and guides
- Cloakroom hospitality staff
- Admin assistants: putting letters into envelopes, mailing..
For professional or public exhibitions:
- Technical assistants
- Cashier hospitality staff: overall management of professional and public exhibition tickets. Collecting at entrances, handing out catalogues...
- Data entry staff: IT management of visitors in partnership with the top experts in access control in professional exhibitions.
For in/out of store promotions, business to business or business to customer
- Street marketing
- Sampling
- Hypermarket and supermarket promotions and franchised networks
- Promotional tours
- Welcoming visitors / Manning phones
- Welcoming VIPs / Presidents
- Managing meeting rooms / Managing letters/documents / Booking taxis
- Associated administrative tasks
Phone Régie
- Administrative assistant
2008 - 2013
Main duties:
- Assisting with all aspects of administrative management, directory maintenance, logistics, equipment inventory and storage
- Coordinating between departments and operating units in resolving day-to-day administrative and operational problems
- Scheduling and coordinating meetings, interviews, events and other similar activities
- Sending out and receiving mail and packages
- Performing multifaceted general office support
- Preparing meeting minutes, meeting notes and internal support materials
Companies I had worked with: Siemens, KPMG, Société Générale, Actia, Audi.