

Le Plessis-Robinson

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Mécanique spatiale
Microsoft Office
Catia v5
Comsol Multiphysics
Mécanique des structures
Mécanique du vol
Matériaux composites


  • MBDA - Missile Design Engineer

    Le Plessis-Robinson 2016 - maintenant
  • Dassault Aviation - Aeronautical Engineer

    Saint-Cloud 2014 - 2016 Load Analysis and Aeroelasticity studies on Rafale
  • Airbus Helicopters - Aeronautical Engineer R&D (Trainee)

    Blagnac 2014 - 2014 The aim of this project is to take into account more precisely the aeroelasticity of new generation blades "Blue Edge" in critical conditions as high-speed forward flight and as soon as possible in the optimization loop of their conception. Thereby a model of loads prediction have to be develop with the study of analytic expression, computation and in situ measurements. Once validated, this model will be able to predict quickly the inertial and aerodynamic loads on new generation blades to improve their conception.

    Skills developed : Rotor and blades mechanics, Inertial Load, Aerodynamic load modeling, Aeroelasticity
  • ONERA - Aeronautical Research Engineer (Trainee)

    Palaiseau 2013 - 2013 In the context of aeroelastic response of flexible aircraft maneuvers, gusts and G by high fidelity modeling (coupling CFD and CSM) using MSC/Nastran and elsA software;
    I have developed a new aeroelastic simulation methode which allows to take into account the free-aircraft model in order to be consistent with the reality of an aircraft in flight.

    Skills developed : Aeroelasticity, Aerodynamics, Flight Mechanics, Pyhton and DMAP Programming...

    Ref.: Research Engineer Cédric Liauzun - DADS/MSE department, Cedric.Liauzun@onera.com
  • Thales Alenia Space, Cannes - Space Mechanical Engineer in R&T (Trainee)

    Courbevoie 2012 - 2012 Analysed existing flexible link for space telescope mechanism, Created software programme used to pre-dimension design (MatLab/Comsol), Designed innovative flexible links (Catia V5), Validated design with non-linear finite element analysis (MSC Marc), Presented results to department engineers.

    Skills developed : Non-linear Structural Analysis, Large Displacement, Multipysics coupling, MatLab Programming...

    Ref.: PhD Julien Ducarne – RT/SO department, Julien.Ducarne@thalesaleniaspace.com
  • Gala ENSMM 2011 - Treasurer of the ENSMM Prom 2011

    2011 - 2011 Managed a 10 person team, Solved conflicts, Communicated and Negotiated with companies to collect funds, Budgeted 85 K€. A successful Prom organisation according every participant and the head of school.


  • ISAE-ENSMA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure De Mécanique Et D'Aérotechnique)

    Poitiers 2012 - 2014 Ingénieur en Mécanique et Aérotechniques

    A French leading engineering school, specialising in Mechanics and Aeronautical Engineering.
    Specialty : Structural Mechanics and Advanced Materials
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure De Mécanique Et Des Microtechniques ENSMM

    Besancon 2010 - 2012 Ingénieur en Mécanique et Microtechniques

    A French leading engineering school, specialising in Mechanics and Microtechnological Engineering.
  • CPGE - Lycée Dumont D'Urville (Toulon)

    Toulon 2007 - 2010 Prépa MP Option Science de l'Ingénieur - Intensive 3-year post-secondary course in mathematics and physics, in preparation for the nationwide competitive entrance examination to French engineering schools.
  • Lycée Maintenon

    Hyeres 2004 - 2007 Baccalauréat Scientifique, Spécialité : Physiques

    Equivalent to a high school diploma with honours.


Annuaire des membres :