


En résumé

Jeune ingénieur en génie électrique avec plusieurs expériences à l’international (Maroc, UK, Inde), je suis adaptable et très motivé par tous les projets qui ont un réel sens humain ou environnemental ! N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez une nouvelle opportunité à me proposer!

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Project
Conduite de projet
Conduite de chantier
Gestion de projet
Energies renouvelables
Génie électrique


  • Omexom - Project Manager / Business Developer

    Puteaux 2018 - maintenant Realization of EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) tenders for photovoltaic and hybrid utility-scale power plants worldwide.
  • General Electric - VIE Deputy Project Engineering Manager - Test & Commissioning

    Paris 2017 - 2018 Participating to a 800KV HVDC substation's project in India, I was assisting the commissioning, construction and engineering teams at site with different operational missions:

    - Management of the interface between the engineering and the site.
    - Design and implementation at site of a tool to follow the progress of the cable laying and terminations work.
    - Management of the red-marking of the drawings and their approval by the customer at the end of the first phase.
    - Design and implementation of a tool to follow the progress of the pre-commissioning activities.
    - Ensuring the availability of the drawings at site
    - Supporting the erection leader for the improvement of other subjects such as quality, storage, etc.
  • COURS ADO LONDRES LTD - Mathematics Tutor

    2015 - 2016 During one year, I have been able to improve my skills in tutoring by giving Mathematics tutorials to 6 international pupils.
  • Armor - Junior Project Manager - Internship

    Nantes 2015 - 2015 Industrial Junior Project Manager intern for a 3D Recycled Consumable Project in Morocco.

    • Developed a complete 3D printing Market Study
    • Feasibility study, Creation, and test of the product
    • Managed International subcontractors to execute the project successfully.
    • Organization of workshops with the members of the project.
    • Attention to detail by a cautious purchase of the machines
    • Contacted future partners and customers through 3D Printing Shows
    • Presented confidently the project to the CEO for giving his agreement and founding financial resources.

    Developed Skills:
    Autonomy, organisation, industrial Project Management, adaptation to foreign culture.
  • VINCI ENERGIES - Junior Project Manager - Internship

    Montesson 2014 - 2014 Junior Project Manager intern for street lighting businesses

    • Managed entire projects in public lighting redevelopment, from customer’s relationship to the delivery of the project.
    • Defined requirements, according to the client’s expectations.
    • Drew up estimates, negotiation with suppliers on prices of items and delays.
    • Managed the workers and the subcontractors on the yard
    • Control of the costs and progresses of my projects
    • Improved my skills in electrical engineering and in project management
    • Showed initiative by suggesting a new process for the Supply Chain Management of the Workshop.
  • XV de la Moustache - Vice Président

    2013 - 2015 Organisation of sports events (training, matches, international tours)
    Special Event Organisation: Scottish Tour (30 people) against Heriot-Watt University and discovery of the Scottish culture.

  • COMSOL Multyphisics (Heriot-Watt University) - Elaboration et résolution à l’aide du logiciel Comsol M

    2013 - 2013 Improved my Technical Skills in Simulation software with the Creation of a Laboratory Exercise in Comsol 4.2 for Master students in Microfluidics.
  • BGI Group - Labour Internship

    Toronto 2012 - 2012 Buisard factory (Sablé-sur-Sarthe (72) FRANCE): Internship on production line for VOLVO tractor cabins.
  • Darty - Sales Assistant

    BONDY 2011 - 2011 Sales assistant
    Improved my commercial skills through an internship as a sales assistant in store. (+ Training seller at the head office).


  • University College London (UCL) (London)

    London 2015 - 2016 MSc in Power Systems Engineering

    - Design and creation of an hydrone car participating to the Shell Eco-marathon - Group Project
    - Power Electronics and Electrical Machinery / Electrical Machines and Power Electronic Drives (Masters Level)
    - Electrical Power Systems and Electrical Propulsion (Masters Level)
    - Applied Thermodynamics & Turbomachinery
    - Power Transmission and Auxiliary Machinery Systems
    - New & Renewable
  • ESME-Sudria

    Paris 2010 - 2016 Ingénieur en génie électrique

    - Energy and Systems ( Finite Element Therory, Sensors, Linear Automatics, Power Engineering, Sampled Automatics)
    - Network and Telecom ( Digital Processing, Digital Communication, Electronics for Telecom, Fields and Microwaves, Communication Techniques and Media, Interconnecting Networking Devices, Digital Filters and statistics.
    - Computer Engineering (Databases, Computer Engineering,


Annuaire des membres :