
Nicolas Jean-Henri ROCHE


En résumé

To lead research and development activities that will utilize my strong interdisciplinary and system background in the design of safe and radiation tolerant satellites to aid improvement of next generation space based systems.

Executive Summary
• Multi-disciplinary background in electronics, optics, radiation effects on electronics and space equipment design.
• Extensive expertise in radiation effects in analog devices and circuits.
• Specialized expertise in the development of radiation hardening by design techniques for the development of embedded electronics systems for spacecraft.
• Over 10 years of experience in customers and research programs support, management, and research program development activities.
• Currently actively involved in collaborative research projects with over 30 universities, industries, and government institutions.

• Ph. D. ès Electronics with Summa Cum Laude from Montpellier University (2010)
• M.S. in Electronics, Nanotechnologies, Components and Systems from Montpellier University (2007)
• B.S. in Technology and Engineering Science from the Paul Cézanne University (AMU) (2005)

Mes compétences :
Enseignement Universitaire
Management d'équipe
Recherche et Développement
Recherche scientifique
Management de projets
Systèmes embarqués
Électronique analogique


  • Itk - Ingénieur Électronique objet connectés

    Clapiers 2019 - maintenant • Provide the team with advanced skills in the field of PCB and RF design.
    • Define test products in accordance with the business unit.
    • Develop test benches and performance validation procedures in partnership with external partners.
    • Prepare the integration of IoT sensors within the IoT systems.
    • Control the intervention of technical teams and subcontractors (internal and external) involved in
    the realization and design of IoT sensors.
    • Disseminate and promote research and development outcomes.
    • Manage and conduct research and development work with industrial partners.
    • Ensure a watch on scientific and technological developments.
  • Université Montpellier 2 - CTO

    Montpellier 2016 - 2019 Provide technical leadership to the Montpellier University Space Center (CSU) team, coordinate
    resources and technical activities to honour established contracts and partnerships, and implement the
    Center's strategy.
    • Provide the team with advanced skills in space engineering, technological research and the
    valorisation of innovative projects.
    • Participate with the applicants in the definition and feasibility of projects, satellites and their
    instruments in partnership with the project division.
    • Define test benches and performance validation procedures in partnership with the project division
    of the center.
    • Participate in the design of recipe and test integration plans, as well as the integration of systems
    and sub-systems and schedules in partnership with the project division.
    • Control the intervention of technical teams and subcontractors (internal and external) involved in
    the systems design.
    • Write and negotiate the technical contract for collaboration with the various partners and services.
    • Write proposals to answer calls for projects with different universities and industry sector partners.
    • Disseminate and promote research and development outcome, promote the transfer of technology
    toward the industry sector.
    • Perform expertises for public and / or private partners.
    • Drive the valuation of service technologies.
    • Develop technologies for future satellite platforms.
    • Manage and conduct research and development work with industrial and institutional partners.
    • Define the technology development strategy at 3 and 5 years.
    • Ensure a watch on scientific and technological developments.
    • Participate in the technological training of students.
    • Present, disseminate and promote the center's developments, technologies and innovations.
    • Participate in a professional network, participate in positioning the center at the highest international
  • George Washington University - Research Scientist

    2014 - 2016 • Development and implementation of test plan, data analysis software, state-of-the-art experimental setup to support the U.S naval research laboratory space division in the development and testing of U.S. navy space applications.
    • Development of analytical reports on specific technologies, problems and solutions for different industrial groups and government agencies with the aim to develop global radiation hardening strategies.
  • The George Washington University - Postdoctoral Scientist

    2012 - 2014 • Experimental setup and electronic boards design development dedicated for UFL facility and heavy ions testing.
    • Providing high-quality and reliable laser beamline for UFL facility users.
    • Continuous design and implementation of improvements in UFL facility.
    • Ensuring UFL system upgrades implementation without any adverse impact to users.
    • Developing and implementing potential operational upgrades to the facility that will enhance the NRL's ULF laser lab capabilities and capacities.
  • The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory - Radiation Effects & Space Electronics Engineer

    2011 - 2016 • Space electronics industry customer support in usage of Ultrafast Laser Facility as a tool to optimize circuit designs for space applications.
    • Support and supervision of University research and DTRA contractors on the topic of radiation effects on electronic devices and systems.
  • CNRS (French National Research Agency) - Postdoctoral Fellow

    2011 - 2012 • Strengthened the relationship between the US Naval Research Laboratory and the CNRS, the Montpellier 2 University, and the DGA in order to facilitate the future research collaborations.
    • Simulated the effects of space radiation using ULF in the aim to support NRL research programs and collaborative research projects with universities, industry, and governmental institutions.
  • CNRS (French National Research Agency) - Contract researcher

    2011 - 2011 • Research specialising in the fields of Transient Radiation Effects on Electronics (TREE) phenomena induced by a Very High Dose Rate X-ray pulse environment in microelectronics circuitry.
  • Université Montpellier 2 - Contract researcher

    Montpellier 2010 - 2011 • Supported and managed the Montpellier 2 University’s space projects and the collaboration with the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
  • Université Montpellier 2 - Assistant program manager

    Montpellier 2009 - 2011 • Technical deputy for equipment design named FRP (Franco Russian Project) developed by Montpellier 2 University students’, embedded on board Baumanets-2 satellite developed by Bauman University Students’ (Bauman Moscow State Technical University).
  • Université Montpellier 2 - Assistant program manager

    Montpellier 2007 - 2010 • Technical deputy for embedded payload on board small satellite named ROBUSTA (Radiation On Bipolar University Test Application) designed by Montpellier 2 University students’.



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