To lead research and development activities that will utilize my strong interdisciplinary and system background in the design of safe and radiation tolerant satellites to aid improvement of next generation space based systems.
Executive Summary
• Multi-disciplinary background in electronics, optics, radiation effects on electronics and space equipment design.
• Extensive expertise in radiation effects in analog devices and circuits.
• Specialized expertise in the development of radiation hardening by design techniques for the development of embedded electronics systems for spacecraft.
• Over 10 years of experience in customers and research programs support, management, and research program development activities.
• Currently actively involved in collaborative research projects with over 30 universities, industries, and government institutions.
• Ph. D. ès Electronics with Summa Cum Laude from Montpellier University (2010)
• M.S. in Electronics, Nanotechnologies, Components and Systems from Montpellier University (2007)
• B.S. in Technology and Engineering Science from the Paul Cézanne University (AMU) (2005)
Mes compétences :
Enseignement Universitaire
Management d'équipe
Recherche et Développement
Recherche scientifique
Management de projets
Systèmes embarqués
Électronique analogique