- In charge of mobile QoS process/profession
Paris2015 - maintenantNational Scale : work with 5 local departments
- Analysis and integration of operational needs of national QoS departments
- Promote sharing and merge methods / tools
- Define and deploy new methods and tools taken into account the customer experience
- Implementation and management of defined actions with local departments
- Coordination and synchronization of DAO objectives taking into account national issues of Orange policy
- QOS Network analyst engineer
Paris2012 - 2015Technical support leader for half south west part (Ericsson hardware 2G/3G/LTE).
Team trainer & hard troubleshooting.
Project leader for the new RAN QOS plateform.
- Radio Acces Network Engineer
2010 - 2012Radio coverage optimisation, Quality of service for radio access network, KPI engineering, radio measurement with Actix & protocolar probes with Astellia.
Swap project leader NSN > Huawei for south west part of France.
- IT/Telecom project Leader
2009 - 2010Project coordinator for SFR radio acces network QOS IT platform.
- Radio network engineer
2005 - 2009Improvement of cells failure detection technics in SFR mobile network