
Nicolas NAVET


En résumé

I have been working since the mid-1990s in the design and development of critical embedded systems, i.e. systems with strong performance and safety constraints.

My primary objective is to contribute to the techniques, tools and computing platforms that will make it possible to build provably safe embedded systems in a time, resources and cost-efficient manner.

The use of generative design and machine learning to further automate the design of E/E in-vehicle architectures is the current focus of my work.

I have had the chance to work in many projects with OEMs and suppliers in the automotive and aerospace domains, both as a researcher and for the company RealTime-at-Work (RTaW) that I started in 2007.

Interests and skills:
- Real-time and dependable systems, communication protocols, probabilistic models, machine learning, generative design.
- Teaching, innovation, marketing, technology transfer, resource optimisation, GTD.

Mes compétences :
Conduite de projets
Électronique embarquée
Sureté de fonctionnement
Systèmes temps réel


  • Université du Luxembourg - Enseignant-chercheur

    2012 - maintenant - Professor with the Computer Science and Communications (CSC) Research Unit at the University of Luxembourg. Research and teaching mainly in the field of critical embedded systems and computational sciences.
    - Course director of the professional Bachelor in Computer Science from 01/2013 to 10/2017.
    - Creation in 2016 of a new Bachelor level lifelong learning program in partnership with Chambre des Salariés (CSL) Luxembourg.
  • Alphability - Co-créateur

    2010 - 2017 Alphability fournit des solutions informatiques de type cloud-computing pour la gestion de portefeuilles: suivi, rapport de gestion, analyse et couverture de risques
  • RealTime-at-Work (RTaW) - Créateur

    2007 - maintenant - RTaW develops and commercializes design platforms that help designers build provably safe and optimized critical embedded networks. Customers of RTaW include OEMs such as Renault-Nissan, Mercedes Cars, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, PSA Group, Airbus Helicopters, Airbus Defence and Space, Thales, CNES, ABB, Huawei, tier-one suppliers as Robert Bosch as well as consulting companies. https://www.realtimeatwork.com
    - CTO from 2007 to 2012
  • INRIA - Chercheur / Responsable d'équipe

    Le Chesnay 2000 - 2012 - Méthodes, modèles et outils pour la conception de systèmes temps réel. Application à l'automobile et à l'avionique.
    - Responsable de l'équipe de recherche Temps réel et Interopérabilité (TRIO) à partir de 2010 (25 personnes).
  • Gemplus Research labs - Ingénieur

    2000 - 2000 Développeur du noyau d'un système d'exploitation multi-tâches pour cartes à puce.
  • Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme - Développeur C++ (apprenti)

    1993 - 1994 Programmation de classes C++ pour les Bsplines d'un logiciel de CAO.


  • INPL- ENSEM ENSEM (Vandoeuvre Lès Nancy)

    Vandoeuvre Lès Nancy maintenant


Annuaire des membres :