


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Embedded Linux
Embedded Software
Software Engineer
Langage C/C++
Android natif


  • STMicroelectronics - Senior Staff Engineer (Linux Set-top boxes)

    2014 - maintenant Description
    - Setup and active participation in the Paris activity technical migration (Linux environment setup, configuration management processes, etc) from smartphone software activities to set-top boxes development framework already in place in Grenoble.
    - Knowlegde acquisition in terms of tools and processes, tutorial and guidelines writing to ease the activity change.
    - Once deployed, contribution to the level 3 customer support (level 3) activities on ST set-top boxes family, only on display topics

    Since July 2014
    - Joining (remotely) the graphics and internet technologies team based in Catania (Sicilia), taking responsibility of the ARM Mali driver integration and support in ST Set-top box products.

    Since July 2015 : Joining Security division
    - In charge of the implementation and validation of the boot security system of ST set-top boxes (i.e. key ladder definition, RSA key generation, access control setup at bus and IP level, signature corruption, etc)
    - Involved in automatic test framework that guarantees both the first validation of the system and its viability across product's life (non-regression). Automatic testing based on tools such as Matb, Jenkins, Haresh.
    - Support to CAS certification process

    Training :
    - OpenGL-ES (1 week training) (Apollo Formation, Paris)
    - FOSS Awareness Training (ST internal)
    - FOSS Programming Guidelines (ST Internal)
    - Security Awareness in product development (ST internal)
  • STMicroelectronics - Senior Staff Engineer (Android Smartphone)

    2012 - 2014 Description

    - Project management of the Imaging sub-system responsible of image processing algorithm integration (motion estimator, temporal noise reduction, etc.) from drivers (for dedicated IP) to OpenMAX interface.
    - Graphics and display Android system integration on ST-Ericsson boards (NovaThor)
    - Android application/demonstrator developper (Java)
    - Porting of image processing algorithms (e.g. 3D panorama, face detection, etc.) (Java + JNI)
    - Internal technical consultant on Android development environment on ST-Ericsson boards
    - ARM profiling, benchmarking
    - Brainstorm organization and participation

    Since June 2013
    - Software developper of Android-based applications to promote in-house proximity sensor capabilities on smartphone/tablet devices (e.g. T.I. Panda Board, customized Samsung Galaxy S3).
    - Issued a gesture recognition demo on Android based on ST proximity sensors (up to 4) demonstrated in shows to promote proximity sensor

    - Git/Gerrit - Internal
    - FOSS-IN/OUT procedure
  • ST Ericsson - Senior software engineer - Android development, support and integration on ST-Ericsson boards

    GRENOBLE 2009 - 2012 Description
    Since Sep. 2010:
    - Benchmarking and profiling on Android to cope with client (HTC, Samsung) complaints on 2D graphic performances.
    - Design and implementation of demonstrators on Android to promote the 8500 platform, based on
    algorithms developed in the on-site dedicated imaging team.

    Jan. 2010 – Sep. 2010:
    - Task leader of a software library driving a light surface and cheap 2D rendering chip dedicated to
    middle-end Smartphone. Management of bugs tracking and solving, change request evolution planning, validation plan definition and setup (multi-OS: Linux, Unix, Windows) for internal deliveries, internal reporting.

    Competence and technical skills
    - Full responsibility of a software library (interaction with on-site hardware team)
    - Complete Android development environment skills from setup to application programming, including some driver knowledge (Eclipse, JNI, NDK)
    - Team work on algorithm (i.e. 3D one-shot panorama, face detection) knowledge transfer and
    integration on Android, taking into account both algorithm and Android framework complexity and
    - OpenGL ES-1.x notions acquired inside ST-Ericsson for the face detection demo
    - Internal IT support for specific Android environment requests,
    - International co-workers environment (Android team in ex-“Ericsson Mobile Platform” in Sweden)

    “Linux Kernel mode & drivers programming” - AC-6 formation,
    “Android porting and internals” - AC-6 formation
  • NXP Semiconductors - Senior software engineer - Multimedia Framework level 3 support for middle-end phones

    Colombelles 2006 - 2009 Description
    - "GImaging" project member, 2D rendering software library responsible and Problem Report fixing and Change Requests,
    - "SUZI" (MPEG-4, H.264 encoder/decoder software library built on top of hardware accelerators) common database setup and management, 2D rendering software library ("RENOIR") database full responsibility, even outside the GImaging project, take into account the customer needed evolution, discuss internally through CCB to take critical technical decision,
    - Contact during a cMMi audit a configuration manager,
    - Contribution to an internal group regarding the IT transfer to a new location (list and rationalize IT
    needs, hardware and software).

    Competence and technical skills
    - Full hardware accelerated multimedia framework knowledge ramp-up to achieve bug fixing and change request implementation, MPEG-4 Encoder/Decoder knowledge, using a dedicated hardware accelerator,
    - Quality (cMMi level 2) compliance including coding rules, customer delivery process (delivery notes, validation/verification plan), configuration management, problem report/change request management, change control board organization for a team-concerted software evolution decision and general traceability of all these items,
    - International co-workers environment (strong interaction with a team in Bucharest).

    “Negotiation techniques” - Philips internal
  • Philips - Software engineer - Multimedia Framework for middle-end phones (Samsung)

    Suresnes 2002 - 2006 Philips Digital Systems Lab

    - "SWIFT-MM" project member: multimedia framework for flexible application development such as MPEG-4 player/recorder on top of a mobile phone board including hardware accelerators,
    - "SWIFT-MM ES-2" project leader (3 team members), evolution of the SWIFT-MM project,
    - "GImaging" project member: development and support on a framework similar to SWIFT-MM but even more flexible (more modularity through module port-based communication) for Samsung,
    "X-TREAM" demonstrator complete design and setup contribution: a set-top-box EPG demonstrator wifi-linked with an enhanced TV remote (an Ipaq) to display additional information on current TV show using MPEG-7 descriptions accessed through SQL XML-queries.

    Competence and technical skills
    - Project management with strong reactivity demand (lack of resource, frequent and strong change
    - User interface design and implementation for Player/Recorder (Microsoft Visual Studio),
    - "RTK-E" (Philips proprietary) real-time operating system and KID driver methodology knowledge,
    - Trainee supervision on porting the SWIFT-MM multimedia framework on a Java environment,
    - International work environment (strong interaction with Nuremberg hardware team),
    - Internal technical advising/guidance.

    “.net Framework Development” - Orsys,
    “C language for real-time and embedded applications” - MultiVideo Designs,
    “Creativity” - Philips internal
  • Philips - Software research engineer - MPEG-7 standard (multimedia metadata) follower and contributor

    Suresnes 1999 - 2002 Philips Research France (ex LEP)

    - MPEG meeting attendance and contribution (demonstrator, binary format contribution),
    - Contribution (meetings and technical development) to European projects (ALIVE, SAMBITS) on
    connected topics such as enriched TV broadcasting using MPEG-7 descriptions,
    - Operating System Abstraction Layer definition and development (Unix, RTK-E, Windows) for an MPEG-4 decoder/Encoder,

    Competence and technical skills
    - International work environment (worldwide through MPEG meeting and European project),
    - XML language (MPEG-7 descriptions base language),
    - Java programming for demonstrators,
    - C/C++ programming for video feature extraction algorithms,
    - Research methodology (bibliography, brainstorming, patent writing).

    “XML Application development” - Learning Tree,
    “Advanced C programming” - Learning Tree,
    “Personal impact development” - Philips internal



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