Bois-Colombes Cedex
As Integrated Technology Services Associate Partner, I support customers in their digital transformation thanks to my consulting expertise and my skills on last IT tendencies. My current role associated to my previous one as business consultant allows me to address all IT departments by the customers.
When I started my career, I wanted to have a central position in an high tech company, that’s why I decided to be Quality Manager by Gemalto smart card manufacturer leader, in the South of France. I was at this moment a very young manager of 6 people, including engineers. I continued to develop my knowledge and leadership on semiconductors, smart card manufacturing and R&D as Product Engineer.
After that, my personal life made me go back to Paris and I toke the challenge to return to Quality by implementing CMMI (IT development model) by Philips Video Center. The people concerned were previously researchers and I succeed to transform 40 researchers to project managers and IT developers in 2 years !
I joined IBM after this success and during 7 years, I shared my CMMI expertise with customers as BNPP organizations, Finance ministry or Banques Populaires. I managed also 10 consultants, developing their expertise on these subjects. I reinforced my consulting competences with missions as « CIO of the Future » for La Banque Postale or Pôle Emploi.
For 4 months, I put my consulting expertise and my customer’s listening to the service of Infrastructure Technology Services as Associate Partner.
I’m proud to now support customers on Digital transformation, mainly on Cloud, Mobility and Security matters. My ambitious today is to confirm my role and continue to help customers in their digital transformation. My previous and current roles allow me to address all IT departments.
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet informatique
Direction des systèmes d'information
Gestion de projet