My name is Noëmie Bégué, I'm 25 years old girl looking to be press agent in a record label.
Up to now, I have a two years technical degree in communication from the school ESARC-EVOLUTION (Toulouse), an event communication and operational marketing bachelor from SUP CAREER (Paris), and this year I just obtained a management and marketing consulting master (ESP – Paris) and a business administration degree from MIM (New York). To continue on this way, I decided to finish my studies by a last year in strategic web marketing in SUP CAREER (Paris). This experience will provide me with a greater knowledge in web marketing, so that I can perfectly control communication and marketing fields.
I'm a very autonomous, organized and serious student. I always give the best of myself and I have a huge capacity to adapt to a new job, in every company.
One of my main strengths is that I'm a workaholic : when I start a project I like to do it perfectly.
To finish, I'm not sensitive, so I accept easily changes, remarks from my colleagues if I do something wrong... And I'm always looking to improve myself professionaly but also personnaly.
Now, you can discover my professional experiences and also my educations background.
Mes compétences :
Logiciels musique
Relations commerciales
Réseaux sociaux
Microsoft Office
Prospection commerciale
Négociation commerciale
Stratégie de communication
Autonomie professionnelle
Pas d'entreprise renseignée