
Nour Eddine MIFTAH


En résumé

Passionate about the world of "Business Development" and endowed with great curiosity based on "In a race for quality, there is no finish line». Dynamic, results-driven and bilingual Sales Manager with more than 26 years record of demonstrated success in the INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, CONSTRUCTION AND ELECTRIC TOOLS Sales. Graduated from a large business school in Melun France with a Master's degree in marketing and business strategies after Bachelor of Business Administration B.B.A Marketing - commercial & financial management at EFA in Morocco.
Versatile, expert and solid track for increasing turnover and profit gains within a highly competitive market. Sales manager, product manager and then sales and import department manager working with customers in all Morocco. I specialize in "purchasing (local & international), B2B & B2C prospecting, sales, collection and handling of complex cases". Innate leadership abilities to hire, construct, and retain top- performing sales teams. Strong ability to build & develop a business from scratch. Today, I am ready for a new challenge where the international dimension is very present especially the European and Asian countries. Very motivated by the knowledge of being attentive to customers, managing crisis situations and I like working in a team.

Mes compétences :
• IRTHAR (Independence, Reflection, Technical, Hie


  • GALLART BATIMENT - Head of Sales & Import Department

    2019 - maintenant Diversify the range of products to market, import, prospect new B2B and B2C customers, sales, service, recovery, two commercial under my responsibility: over one year, creation of new ranges of PPE (personal protective equipment: clothing and equipment used to ensure personal safety in the workplace) and power tools METABO, increase in the number of imports from 1 to 3 and increased turnover by 20%. Develop the distribution network throughout Morocco.
  • SFDE // SPM - Technical Sales Manager & Metabo Product Manager.

    2017 - 2018 Setting up a Metabo power supply department and its after sales service, I targeted the items requested by the construction sites and the resellers, prepared the pricing and I managed to sell 4 displays on the 1st import for resellers. I dealt with the distribution of hoists, straps, drawers, needles, compressors, rods, formwork nuts, PPE (Personal protective equipment) and tools : I sometimes exceed my goals of CA: ex. 155% during 3/2018 month with the arrival of the new range of Metabo. I take care of 166 dealers in all Morocco except Casablanca "sale and recovery".
  • S.M.E.F The Moroccan company of Fader establishments - Metabo Product Manager & Sales Manager

    2014 - 2016 Analysis of the electro department, implementation of a new study, new price for the launch of the new range of Metabo products, installation of more than eight Metabo displays on all Morocco. Seminar at the OCP (product training), Metabo is now on the sites of the OCP. In parallel, the marketing of Facom, Hoffman tools, key steels and Tecamid 6 (PA6) /polyamide. Very good result of realization of CA 212% 1st year, 105% on the 2nd year. In addition, the preparation of OCP's AOs and the resolution of customer disputes with flexibility. I was also able to develop the range of Tenexa ladders.
  • Le Comptoir Métallurgique Marocain - Product Manager, Technical Sales Manager, Central Purchasing Manager

    Casablanca 2011 - 2014 Under the management of Mr. Azoulay in industry and Mr. EL Mghari in steel, I was able to win three framework contracts with Lydec 500 Mdh in Facom tools and 250 Mdh in scales including insulated and gates scale Surirey Jaggou France. The third contract was in Facom and scaffold + centaur platforms France. Development of construction sites, on all exceeds the target in a single order at TGCC "1500 000 DH a single order and a collection that I made the recovery of a sum of 5000 000 DH to participate in solving a financial problem at In the counter: Mr. El Mghari and the CFO encouraged me for these results. I set up a product training "AEG" all the agencies, the coaching of the commercial agencies in the Yale handling demonstrations.
    The coaching of the commercial agencies in the Yale handling demonstrations.

    2008 - 2011 Technical Sales Manager always on the ground mainly for B2B clients on construction sites: I demonstrate and promote professional fixing on site and I touch the owners, the structural companies, roofing framework, plastering, carpentry… I provide GÜDE electro and manual tools, Rawl dowelling, chemical, protection, screws and bolts and consumables. Exp. at Bymaro, I succeeded to provide them with the anchor and 15 kg rotary hammers despite the presence of Hilti on site ...

    Neuilly sur Seine 2005 - 2008 Study, launch of a new "ferreteria Cifec" in Morocco, with Mr. JOSEP MARIA. Importation of IRONSIDE tools and gardening equipment from Spain and launch of the Taiwanese tool brand RACO in Morocco. In the 1st year, we imported more than 10 various containers: the whole was sold in 6 months which follow distributed on all Morocco. Customers were very satisfied:
    Target achieved + 150%. Many requests on RACO tools: which requires a second targeted import.
  • Louis Gillaud Establishment - PRODUCT MANAGER: Dewalt & Black-Decker

    2005 - 2005 Installation of a state-of-the-art after-sales service, repair within 24 hours. Renegotiation of purchases, change of provenance Dubai instead of the United States, increase in quantity, acceptance of machines and spare parts hence the creation of the 10 + 1 free promo: 15% increase in turnover and lower transport and purchasing costs. I also participate in the promotion of ladders, pump shoes, Sam tools and chauvinistic metrology Arnaud.

    casablanca 2003 - 2004 Seminar, training, presentation and demonstration of Safety cutting tools and Time metrology on the OCP, LAFARGES, CIMENTRIES, MINES websites, MG-FRA…. Collect orders from resellers in each city. Sale, distribution of steels, polyamide, bronze spray and aluminium. The cut is done on the spot. Finally, recovery.
  • Würth France - Technical and sales manager, Store manager & logistics

    Erstein 1997 - 2003 Following product training in Künselsow in Germany, I participated in the creation of WÜRTH in Morocco in 1997. I succeeded in creating the market and developing sales, progressing according to the months and exceeding my objectives monthly. I received the congratulations of the CEO WÜRTH France who sent me back to Erstein Strasbourg to do a management internship and he appointed me Resp. store and Logistics: I set up a control and localization system and available. I recruited two salespeople for Rabat and Marrakech. The turnover has increased and the market share in terms of professional fixation vis-à-vis our competitor Hilti. I managed to sell a large quantity of self-drilling self-tapping screws for cladding and metal frames at SACMI, at WID // SOGENEXE.
  • Oversea Courier Service - SALES MANAGER

    1995 - 1997 Implementation of a new rapid strategy for collecting samples and documents and preparing and sending them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With the new strategy, all collections leave on the same day: the delay is eliminated. Same day import deliveries too. We gained market share from our big competitor DHL. Turnover gradually increased 115% in 1995.
  • Smac - Technical-commercial agent Handling and construction

    ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX 1994 - 1995 Establishment of a database of industrial prospects and Buildings: training on handling TCM forklift and Stocka pallet truck, on robots and 1CX backhoe loaders. I managed to convince GENERAL TIRE through a factory demonstration to order 5 FHD 25. I also performed demos on the 165 JCB robot and the 1CX mini backhoe loader to dig up the difficult issues at ITTISSALAT AL MAGHREB and to pick up the municipal waste. We then had the demand for our product through the AO. I also participated in a JCB telescopic business with the SNEC in Rabat.


  • (MBS – Melun Business School) France .

    Melun 1992 - 1994 Master’s Degree

    Business & Management Degrees
    Business & Management is one of the most popular fields of study, teaching you everything there is to know about running a successful business. Business & Management includes subdisciplines like Project Management, Business Administration, Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management, and others.

    End of studies dissertation in Belgium 5 months at Outillac, Outibest
  • EFA Ecole Française Des Affaires (Casablanca)

    Casablanca 1990 - 1992 Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)

    Business (Marketing)

    Acquire the skills to become a marketing professional while gaining greater understanding of the business environment
    This course can lead to such jobs as Marketing Executive, Brand Manager, Campaign Manager and more.

    3 months internship at OVERSEA COURIER SERVICE.
    THESIS: New express mail strategy
  • Faculté Des Sciences Ben M'Sik (Casablanca)

    Casablanca 1989 - 1990 DEUG MP2 ANALYSIS ALGEBRE

    M3 Mathematics-Algebra.
    Two Preparatory Years For Engineering School. MP 1 / MP2.
  • Hassan II High School (Casablanca)

    Casablanca 1988 - 1989 Baccalaureate C .

    Hassan II High School in Casablanca.
    Baccalaureate Series C: Mathematical Sciences.


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