- Process engineer
2010 - maintenant
• Shell FLNG construction (South Korea): all substructure and barge’s main deck process systems: water generation, steam generation, power generation, cargo tanks, utility tanks, slop tanks, cargo export and import systems. Engineering Interface: supervision and technical clarifications between Samsung Heavy Industries and Technip regarding tanks, equipment, instrumentation and piping.
• Shell FLNG project: blow down systems and flare design, hydraulic, AIV & FIV analysis, all unit documentation involved: P&ID, PFD, MSD, BOD, PDS, CN, HAZOP, PMS, TD.
• Al-Jubail project P&ID’s drawing and review, SmartPlant line list, PMS management.
• Shtokman LNG plant project: P&ID’s drawing and review, MARIAN material management and line list.
• Ammonia plant proposal for RCF India (Haldor Topsøe technology): ammonia compressor, syngas cycle compressor, air compressor, syngas cycle line sizing, P&ID’s review, compressors PDS’s review’s and vendor consulting.
• CNOOC and YangPu proposals, working on refrigeration cycles and C4/C5 treatment sections for a new ethylene plant.
• PetroVietnam ethylene plant proposal: refrigeration cycles, C4/C5 and PyGas treatment, debutanizer and depentanizer;
• Shell FLNG blow down systems and security philosophy, together with control valves sizing for the steam cycle;
Technip Benelux B.V.
- Process Engineer
2008 - 2009
• Ethylene furnace design radiant and convection sections, all P&ID’s and PFD’s reviews, BOD, HAZOP and FPS’s for Repsol, Portugal;
• feedstock optimization for Statoil, Norway;
• Downstream P&ID’s review for Sibur, Russia;
• Ethylene upstream P&ID’s review for proposal to Essar, India;
• New furnaces proposal for Long Son PetroVietnam, Vietnam;
• New furnaces proposal and transfer line exchangers for Total Gonfreville, France;
• Transfer line exchanger optimization for Kemya, Saudi Arabia;
• Coldbox, demethanizer and deethanizer for Polimyr, P&ID’s and PFD’s reviews, control valve sizing, line sizing and relief cases, Belarus;
• New furnaces proposal for PDV Cupet, Cuba;
• New furnaces proposal for Polymir, Belarus;
• Firing system 70/30 for Repsol Tarragona review, Spain;
• Burners tips replacement in the furnaces study and action, Dow Terneuzen, The Netherlands;
• line sizing and PFD’s Steam drum design;
• Control valve sizing and line sizing;
• Furnaces optimisation, radiant box plus convection section for Rayong, Vietnam;
• Ethylene projects world database;
• Spyro7 & 7.1 data debug, interface debug, Software data testing and validation.
Peugeot Citroën PSA
- Maintenance engineer
2006 - 2006
Stage (3 mois) au Bureau de Gestion Environnementale de l’usine de Peugeot Citroën PSA, Mangualde, Portugal. Optimisation du système de traitement des eaux.
- Research engineer
2006 - 2007
Stage (9 mois) au Groupement pour l'Evaluation des Mesures en Continu dans les Eaux et en Assainissement (GEMCEA), Nancy, France. Analyse et modélisation d’un ruisseau périurbain.