


En résumé

Intrapreneurship fan; lived it the past 7 years - with no plan to stop ;-) -; just started to teach it
Passionate about transforming and helping people transform their innovations into concrete business in the short term.
Convinced about the key benefits ‘open innovation’ could bring from closely working with start-ups and developping an trustful ecosystem up to sharing and communicating achievements (press, opendays events, social communications)
Regular speaker/lecturer - and twittos - about innovation management and intrapreneurship.

Former Director, Open Innovation & Intrapreneurship @ Alcatel-Lucent - Implemented and developped an internal intrapreneurship program stimulating and spreading an ‘entrepreneurial spirit’ within a large group such as Alcatel-Lucent. Promoting both an aggressive risk-taking attitude for the development and commercialization of innovations and feedback seeking from external parties (customers, VCs, users, …) .

Seasoned researcher (13 years experience) with technical expertise in high speed optics and optical networks. Managed research teams, projects and department. Leader of internal venture initiative with Alcatel-Lucent between 2005 and 2007.

Specialties: - Innovations & teams assessment, building associated business plans & dev plans.
- Technical expertise in high speed optical communications, optical networks, III-V microelectronics,
- Definition & management of R&D collaborative project (European FP6/7 - French National RNRT/ANR)
- Technical publications writing ( > 120) and patents propositions (19 applications)
- Lecturer in French Grandes Ecoles and universities

Mes compétences :
Business plan
Recherche et Développement
Business development
Innovations technologiques
Community management
New business development


  • Snecma - Intrapreneurship - Prospective & Change Management

    Courcouronnes 2015 - maintenant
  • Cnam Ile de France - Lecturer - Corporate Entrepreneurship

    2014 - maintenant Corporate entrepreneurship is especially crucial for large companies, enabling these organizations – that are traditionally averse to risk-taking – to innovate, driving leaders and teams toward an increased level of corporate enterprising. In addition to the obvious benefits obtained through innovation, this approach also provides the organizational benefit of setting the stage for leadership continuity.

    Seminar Objectives 5days

    Upon successful completion of this course, participants should be able to:
    - Develop a sound knowledge of what is corporate entrepreneurship and how entrepreneurship within a corporation is similar to or different from start-up
    - Identify the elements of a corporate culture that either inhibit or support the process of intrapreneurship;
    Analyze and compare the attributes of various organizations regarded as leaders of intrapreneurship and analyze the benefits of such;
    - Build a personal model of intrapreneurial activities to be used as a reference tool in their career development.

    More details about program : http://mip-ms.cnam.fr/formation-/mba-masteres-specialises/corporate-entrepreneurship-698295.kjsp
  • Alcatel-Lucent - Director Innovation & Intrapreneurship

    Paris 2012 - 2015 Missions
    - Define, pilot and run the intrapreneurial BootCamp program and the associated operational team. Design and manage the associated learning program (mini MBA) provided by ESCP Europe. Coordinate with other ‘BootCamps’ within Alcatel-Lucent in other geographical area (US, China…).
    - Community manager for the ‘Transformation Agents’ the Entrepreneurial Boot Camp creates. Follow up of teams/projects.
    - Promote a concrete image of Innovation inside and outside Alcatel-Lucent – regular lecturer about innovation management
    - Organize Bell Labs annual Open Days (3 days with ~40 demos for internal and external audience) + Define editorial content and selection of demos, training of speakers
    - Valorisation of research results from Bell Labs in France

    - Creation of Innovation Fund in France (annual 1M€ budget) to incubate projects – Member of the Innovation Fund steering committee
    - Creation of 3 new business lines generating ~25 Million € annual revenues
    - Incubation of 2 projects for spin-out
    - Coordinated action at a EMEA regional level with other BootCamps,
    - Leverage from ‘Transformation agents’ community with creation and animation of local ‘Club Defi’ a in most Alcatel-Lucent premises – Community management
    - Developed ‘Transformation’ competence and skill
    - > 1000 audience for annual Bell Labs Open Days – press tour – video
    - Member of Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France Executive Committee since 2010
  • Alcatel Lucent - Director, Entrepreneurial initiatives

    Paris 2008 - 2011 In charge of Défi ENTREPRENDRE - Entrepreneurial BootCamp initiative in France –which is a micro-MBA conducted with external partners (business school and serial entrepreneurs) for intra and entrepreneurs in the organization. During 3 months, selected teams of entrepreneurs with a bright idea (not necessarily technical) are prepared to build a successful business opportunity plan and then defend it against a jury including venture capitalists. Target is to best monetize the innovations and bring them fast to the market, as a new project in a company, as an internal venture or as a spinoff.
    - Define, pilot and animate the program (run every 6 months) and the associated operational team. Coordination with the other ‘BootCamps’ within Alcatel-Lucent which are focused in other geographical area (US, China, …)
    - Follow up of the teams /projects. As part of this activity, member of the Steering Committee of Alcatel-Lucent Innovation Fund in France. This fund provides incubation means to the best projects of each season.
    - Extension of Défi initiative to 3rd parties - open innovation-

    More information on the initiative in this WebTV episode : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su0jbxrmQII
    + twitter feed : http://www.twitter/ALU_Defi
  • Alcatel-Lucent - Reserch department Head, Optical Networks, Bell Laboratories

    Paris 2008 - 2008 - Research activites of the department dealt with ultra-high-speed optical transport (40Gb/s and 100Gb/s) for various transmission distance from few hundreds to transoceanic
    - Special focus on Coherent detection for 100Gb/s transport + real-time electronic data processing and on 40G submarine systems
    - Follow-up of industrial transfer of 40Gb/s components to Teleoptix
  • Alcatel Lucent - Internal Venture (R&D WDM) Project Leader

    Paris 2005 - 2007 - Drove a WDM development project - in an internal ‘start-up’ organization mode - of 25 engineers from 6 European locations with severe constraints of delivery time and compatibility with installed base => resulted in accelerated commercial availability of 40Gb/s reinforcing Alcatel-Lucent # 1 position in this market
    - Managed a team of 5 engineers in Nozay, France including recruitment and competence management => transformation of team culture from ‘R&d’ to ‘r&D’
    - Sought partners as to valorize new 40Gb/s components coming from research labs (Alcatel Thales III-V lab ) => industrial transfer to TeleOptix (Italian firm)
    - Summarized & highlighted project outcomes in quarterly reviews and for customers visits => Presentations with Pre-Sales Marketing team
    - Built & managed technical activities (40Gb/s) of the collaborative project CARRIOCAS involving 26 partners - 25 M€ budget over 3 years => Deployment of 1st 40G network in Paris region in June 2008
  • Alcatel CIT - Research group leader

    2001 - 2005 - Group Leader of "Regenerated Optical Transmissions" group relabelled "Flexible Optical Networks" in Jan 2004.
    - Key topics under study included : Optical Regeneration techniques for 40G WDM transmissions; Architecture and technologies (optical and electronics) for 40G optical transponders (III-V components); Prototyping of 40G transmitters/receivers; Architecture and technologies for transparent and reconfigurable optical networks (WSS, ROADM, Network management); Definition of evolution scenarii of optical networks
    - Coordination of external affairs for Optical Transmissions Research Project (European FP6-IST & National RNRT)
  • Alcatel CIT - Research engineer

    1998 - 2001 - Study Leader "Regenerated optical transmissions for submarine systems"
    - Technical coordination of 4 research engineers
    - Contribution to marketing actvity (lab visits) of Alcatel Submarine Networks.


  • Université Nice Sophia Antipolis

    Nice 1995 - 1998 Optical Communications

    PhD student -

    CIFRE PhD contract with Alcatel Alsthom Recherche (Marcoussis 91, France) - Full time in Alcatel
    PhD thesis entitled "Optical regeneration techniques for ultra long haul transmissions over optical fiber"
    > 25 publications and 15 patents
  • Institut National Des Télécommunications (Evry)

    Evry 1991 - 1994 Optoelectronics & optical communications
  • Lycée Louis Le Grand

    Paris 1986 - 1989


Annuaire des membres :