Intrapreneurship fan; lived it the past 7 years - with no plan to stop ;-) -; just started to teach it
Passionate about transforming and helping people transform their innovations into concrete business in the short term.
Convinced about the key benefits ‘open innovation’ could bring from closely working with start-ups and developping an trustful ecosystem up to sharing and communicating achievements (press, opendays events, social communications)
Regular speaker/lecturer - and twittos - about innovation management and intrapreneurship.
Former Director, Open Innovation & Intrapreneurship @ Alcatel-Lucent - Implemented and developped an internal intrapreneurship program stimulating and spreading an ‘entrepreneurial spirit’ within a large group such as Alcatel-Lucent. Promoting both an aggressive risk-taking attitude for the development and commercialization of innovations and feedback seeking from external parties (customers, VCs, users, …) .
Seasoned researcher (13 years experience) with technical expertise in high speed optics and optical networks. Managed research teams, projects and department. Leader of internal venture initiative with Alcatel-Lucent between 2005 and 2007.
Specialties: - Innovations & teams assessment, building associated business plans & dev plans.
- Technical expertise in high speed optical communications, optical networks, III-V microelectronics,
- Definition & management of R&D collaborative project (European FP6/7 - French National RNRT/ANR)
- Technical publications writing ( > 120) and patents propositions (19 applications)
- Lecturer in French Grandes Ecoles and universities
Mes compétences :
Business plan
Recherche et Développement
Business development
Innovations technologiques
Community management
New business development