


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Java EE
Développement informatique
Java Platform


  • Oracle - Ingenieur de développement

    Colombes 2010 - maintenant Design et développement du service SCIM (REST API) pour OIM (Oracle Identity Manager)
  • Sun Microsystems - Senior Development Engineer

    Santa Clara 2007 - 2010 Design and development of the communication layer of Sun Virtual Directory Proxy product (LDAP proxy server).
    Languages/techonologies: Java, Sockets, XML, UML, Java security.
  • Sun Microsystems - Senior Development Engineer

    Santa Clara 2006 - 2007 Development of the Common Monitoring Console:
    Web-based application which displays Common Monitoring Framework data.
    Languages/technologies: Java, JSP, JavaScript, JSF, XML.
  • Sun Microsystems - Senior Development Engineer

    Santa Clara 2003 - 2007 Designed and developed components of the Common Monitoring Framework for Sun Java ES products:
    - security (SSL/TLS) feature,
    - PDU encoding/decoding (in C and Java),
    - several internal Java components.
    Languages/technologies: C, Java, XML, JMX, J2EE, JSP, JSF, BER,
    TLS/SSL, Java security.
  • Sun Microsystems - Quality Engineer/Team Manager

    Santa Clara 2000 - 2003 Managed a QA (Testing) team.
    Designed, developed and run test suites on NHAS (reliable DHCP service).
  • Bull - Ingenieur de developpement (Development engineer)

    Les Clayes-sous-Bois 1991 - 2000 1991-1992: developpement d'outils graphiques.
    1992-1993: integration de produit reseau (TCP/IP) pour la plateforme Bull DPX/2
    1993-1995: design et developpement logiciel de composants du produit OSI FTAM pour la plateforme Bull DPS/20
    1995-1996: These CNAM: portage d'une pile IPv6 developpee par L'INRIA pour FreeBSD vers AIX4.2.
    1996-2000: ingenieur de developpement. Travail en collaboration avec une equipe de developpement d'IBM (Austin, Texas) sur l'implementation d'IPSECv4 et IPSECv6 dans AIX. Design et implementation D'IPSECv6 dans AIX.

    1991-1992: development of graphical tools
    1992-1993: integration of networking products for Bull DPX/2 platform
    1995-1996: CNAM thesis: Port of an Ipv6 stack developped by INRIA (French Research Institute) on FreeBSD to AIX 4.2 Operating System.
    The CNAM thesis is a 1-year thesis which is needed to acknowledge the CNAM diploma.
    1996-2000: Development Engineer (TCP/IP, IPv6, IPSEC)
    Worked in collaboration with a development team at IBM Corp. (Austin, Texas) on the implementation of IPSEC for IPv4 and IPv6.
    Designed and developped IPSEC for Ipv6 in AIX Operating System.



Annuaire des membres :