I have 40+ working years of experience in international and regional, national and local development projects, more related to Third World, Developing and/or Middle-Income Countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Applying the United Nations and European Union principals, strategies, policies, … etc. for better governance, capacities development, inclusive growth and sustainable development challenges.
Providing leadership, expertise and management for public and private sectors human, administrative and financial resources, operational and enhancements support, mobilization sustenance, content (data and knowledge, information and documentation, statistics and intelligence, … etc.) and reporting activities for prosperity and decent work purposes.
Analysing and developing, implementing and maintaining solutions for local and national, regional and international public and private institutions. Providing substantive consulting and advice, tactical and strategic guidance and assistance. Promoting partnerships and relevance, affordability and quality. Getting professional, technical and vocational achievements.
Carrying out high-level management and administrative research and studies, analysis and implementations. Conducting desk-reviews and interviews on decisions and policies, strategies and operations, in international and multicultural environments. Promoting investments on economic and social development, stimulating portfolios of small size schemes in urban (industries) and rural (agriculture) areas. Performing Capacities Building and Development (CBD), Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Learning Management Systems (LMS), and Skills Development activities.
Providing high-quality services and on-time deliveries. Increasing national capacities, broad impacts, government reform and public sector transformation, private sector protection, livelihood and employment, national growth and sustainability.
Since 2003, and after a relevant working experience in the United Nations (Since 1984), as well as in public, private and international institutions (Since 1970), I am providing Senior High-Level Consulting Tasks (mainly in behalf of the United Nations and European Union Organizations), with substantive advice and guidance, technical assistance and support (on decisional, strategic and operational issues and activities), dealing with economic and social development information and documentation, knowledge and expertise. Performing high-level management.
Encouraging knowledge and expertise, data and awareness, capacities and skills, synergy and coordination tasks. Capturing and collecting, storing and warehousing, classifying and processing high quality and disaggregated data on key indicators, to well analyse and assess situations, monitoring and enriching local, national & regional goals and commitments.
Working in local (City Hall, Municipalities / Municipalités) and national, regional and international organisations. Promoting urban rehabilitation and/or re-development. Managing and coordinating policymaking and decision-taking processes, strategic plans and implementations, in multi-cultural and multilanguage environments. Dealing with energy issues, promoting renewable sources of energies. Ensuring compliance with institutions’ rules and regulations, standards and transparency, guidelines and recommendations. Guarantying high-quality services and on-time deliveries. Analysing, developing, and improving local, national, and regional capacities to generate and analyse high quality and disaggregated data, as well as knowledge and experiences to support and monitor local, national, and regional priorities.
Mes compétences :
BPM BPR Business Process Management Business
ERP management d'équipe
ERP global business inteligence
Knownledge Management
Knowledge management. Analyse stratégique
Knowledge Management et Documentation
KM 2.0
Web 2.0