


En résumé

Agé de 42 ans, je suis rentré en 2006 chez AXA Group Solutions. Cette entité a pour vocation de prendre en charge tous les projets transverses aux différentes entités du groupe.

Après un premier projet pour la Holding AXA, visant à mettre en place une plateforme Business Intelligence pour le groupe, je suis actuellement responsable d'un projet d'intégration d'un progiciel assurance pour gérer l'activité P&C de l'entité AXA Ukraine.


  • AXA Insurance Greece - Project manager

    2010 - maintenant • Responsible for the implementation of the Management Information System, including the selection of the vendor through:
    o a Request For Information to the main vendors (IBM, SAS, Microsoft, Oracle & SAP)
    o a Proof of Concept with the 3 shortlisted (involving all the departments for the assessment)
    o the definition of detailed business requirements
    • Led the design and the implementation of P&C and L&S dashboards for Operation Department including:
    o premium roll-forward, inforce portfolio monitoring, churn rate follow-up, loss ratio monitoring
    o pending claims monitoring, occurred claims (large vs attritional), claim frequency, claim severity, claim payment
    • Responsible for the transfer of the motor portfolio from legacy system to a new platform including the collection of missing information, the communication to policyholders/distributors, the conversation to the latest version of product and the mitigation for cancellation
  • AXA Group Solutions - Integrator Project Manager for AXA Ukraine

    Nanterre 2008 - 2010 • Responsible for the implementation of the P&C platform (including sales, underwriting, issuance, claims, and reinsurance) supporting the growth of the business through a scalable platform, simplifying the constant legal changes and enabling a “time to market” strategy (budget: 4.025 K€)
    Completed successfully on budget and on tight schedule
    • Handled project planning, monitoring and reporting (project and steering committees)
    • Managed a team of 10 consultants and the relationships with client as well as internal/external suppliers


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :