GRENOBLE 2016 - 2017Silicon photonics PDK development.
Wrote Cadence Skill p-cell for custom development of ring modulators in CEA-Léti’s silicon photonics technology. Wrote in-house tools to ease pdk deliveries.
Prepared the first version of CEA-Léti’s PDK in a Mentor Graphics Pyxis environment, including translating and rewriting of device generators in Ample language.
Participated in funding projects reports writing.
Maintained and developed STMicroelectronics’ PDK for their new silicon photonics technology : Introduced new devices, wrote p-cells and callbacks, in a Cadence Virtuoso framework. Kept DRC and Tiling implementation up-to-date (Mentor Graphics Calibre). Interfaced with Modeling, Process Integration and DRM team members.
Eff'Innov Technologies
- Contractor as PDK engineer
2015 - 2015
NXP Semiconductors
- PDK engineer
Colombelles2015 - 2015Integration and development of a BiCMOS process design kit.
Implemented DRC rules. Maintained Quality Assurance libraries and tools.
Introduced new devices (Pcells, LVS and QRC).
(Worked as acontractor from Eff'Innov Technologies.)
LFoundry Rousset
- Process Design Kit engineer
ROUSSET2012 - 2014Developed and maintained PDK. Wrote and translated process verification runfiles for Assura, Calibre and ICV, including DRC, LVS and post-layout extraction. Integrated simulation model files given by the modeling team. Supported customers. Wrote quality assurance tools and PDK delivery automation tools.
Altis Semiconductor
- Modeling engineer
2011 - 2012In the PDK team responsible for SPICE models integration. Wrote models quality assurance scripts, check for models QA during PDK releases. Owned device documentation of a technology in development. Drove a project to update RF inductors models and improve PDK RF tools offer. Coached an intern working on the design of a circuit enabling within-die variability measurement and facilitating the study of MOSFET layout effects. Supported designers and FAEs on simulation matters.
- Ph.D. student
2006 - 2009Study of MOSFET parameters sensitivity to process fluctuations trough TCAD tools, statistical analysis and compact modeling