


En résumé

. 19 years of international MRO and sales experience on various levels, including executive level within the Aerospace Industry (Airlines, OEM, agents).
. University level eq. to a MBA in Marketing, International trades and communication.
. Parts repairs, PBH contracts set-up, Aircraft Heavy Checks management
. Extensive contacts within the aerospace area at all levels over the 5 continents.
. Multi-products knowledge and experience (composites, metal-work, avionics, electronics, electro-mechanics, pneumatics, mechanicals).
. Multicultural experience

Business Development of MRO, engineering and OEM services for the aerospace industry on executive level
Set up of strategy and action plans to develop the sales and lower the costs
Purchasing management proven experience
Team Management
Customer support know-how
Growing business oriented

Mes compétences :
Direction commerciale
Service client
Support client
Administration des ventes
Gestion de projet


  • COMPOSITE INDUSTRIE - V.P. Sales & Marketing

    BONDOUFLE 2010 - maintenant Direction Commerciale
    Direction Marketing
    Supervision du Dept. Support Client et Achats
    Expertise MRO Aéronautique tous produits
    AOG Desk
    Direction d'un centre de profit de Maintenance

    Composite Industrie: Composite parts MRO, Design and Manufacture Specialist for aircraft and industrial applications.
    Repairs and Overhauls under SRM and out-of-scope (FAA-DER).
    - Radomes
    - Flight Controls (slats, flaps, elevators, spoilers, winglets)
    - Fuselage (belly fairings, panels, Karmans, tail cones)
    - Airframe (Ducts, Plenum Chambers, decompression panels)
    - Engine parts (OGV, Fan Platforms, bearing Seals, Acoustical panels, fan cases)
    - Nacelle Parts (T/R, inlet cowls, fan cowls, struts, blocker doors).
  • COBHAM MRO - Responsable commercial et Support client

    2008 - 2010 Business Development des prestations de maintenance (MRO), conception et fabrication de produits neufs
    Commercialisation et gestion des retrofits

  • SATORI - Responsable Commercial

    2008 - 2010 International MRO specialist of multi-products and multi-brands
    Avionics, electronics, electro-mechanicals, radars, metal-work
  • AIR PRECISION, Groupe Cobham - Responsable Commercial, Support Client et Achats

    1999 - 2008 En charge de l'ensemble de l'activité commerciale, support client et achats de la Division Equipements (10 personnes).
    Détermination du plan marketing et stratégie
    Maintenance avionique, électro-mecanique et pneumatique
    Développement des contrats heures de vol
    Développement d'une unité de négoce (achat-revente) de tout équipements, sourcing.
  • EADS Sogerma Services - Respoonsable Commercial et Support Client

    Colomiers 1996 - 1999 Contrats pool, Heure de vol
    Contrats chantiers (Checks)
    Chantiers de modification avion
    Suivi contrats
    Support client
  • EADS Seca - Responsable Commercial

    Gonesse 1994 - 1996 Direction Maintenance Equipements et Chantiers Avions (MRO)
    Développement du porte-feuille clients France et International

  • BRITISH AEROSPACE - Assistant Marketing

    1991 - 1991 En coordination avec la Direction Commerciale et la Direction Stratégie, réalisation d'études de marchés sur les flottes internationales en vue de proposer des avions de liaison court courrier (Jetstream 31, Jetstream 31+ et Jetstream 41)



Annuaire des membres :