45 years, married, 3 children
CURRENT POSITION : Managing Director at IDI Emerging Markets a fund of fund (300M$) for emerging countries : India, China, Brazil, Eastern Europe
PRIVATE EQUITY : investment manager at IDI (100M$ for the fund of fund buiness) ; investment manager at Axa Placement Innovation (67M€) ; investee companies board member ; other investment committees member (I Source, Auriga Ventures, Natexis Ventech).
STRATEGY CONSULTING : industrial strategy audits (Carrefour, Lafarge, Strafor, France Telecom, Gaz de France ...) ; acquisition audits and business plan validation, for mid caps investment funds (IDI, Suez Industries, Astorg, Soffo, CDC, CIRI ...).
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY : venture capital (validation of investment projects) ; scientific research in computer science and telecommunication (microelectronics, cryptography) ; scientific consulting (system validation, formal prooving techniques).
ENTREPRENEUR : Esther Graphics (3D real time visualization technologies) ; Artabel (supercomputing technologies) ; Arborescience (scientific job web site) ; Advisor (strategy consulting) ; LinkTech Venture (entrepreneur assistance).
Mes compétences :
Private Equity
Pas d'entreprise renseignée
Pas de formation renseignée