Société de Coordination et de Recherches Thérapeutiques
- Fondateur
2005 - maintenant
Participation aux conférences internationales sur les ions métalliques en biologie et en médecine :
International Symposium on Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine
The International Symposium on Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine has been organized every two years, since 1990.
• The first International Symposium on Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine was established in Reims, France, in 1990 and chaired by Philippe Collery & Jean Claude Etienne, under the initiative of both Philippe Collery (France) and Theophile Theophanides (Greece), with the support of Lionel Poirier (Food and Drug Administration, USA).
• The second one was held in Loutraki, Greece, in 1992 and chaired by Jane Anastassopoulou and Theophile Theophanides.
• The third one was held in Montreal, Canada, in 1994 and chaired by Neil A. Littlefield and Lionel Poirier (from USA).
• The fourth one was held in Barcelona, Spain, in 1996, and chaired by José L. Domingo, Juan M. Llobet and J. Corbella.
• The fifth one was held in Munich, Germany, in 1998 and chaired by Peter Brätter, Virginia Negretti de Brätter and Peter Schrämel.
• The sixth one was held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in 2000 and chaired by José A. Centeno (from USA).
• The seventh one was held in Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 2002 and chaired by Lylia A. Khassanova and Zilara M. Khassanova.
• The eighth one was held in Budapest, Hungary, in 2004 and chaired by Maria A. Cser and Ibolya Sziklai László.
• The ninth one was held in Lisbon, Portugal, in 2006 and was chaired by Maria C. Alpoim, Paula V. Morais, Maria A. Santos and A. Cristovao.
• The tenth one was held in Bastia, France, in 2008 and was chaired by Phillipe Collery, Ivan Maymard, Theophile Theophanides, Lylian Khassanova and Thomas Collery.
• The eleventh one was held in Cambridge, UK, in 2011 and was chaired by Leatitia Pele and Jonathan Powell
• The twelth one will be held in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 2013 and will be chaired by Maria Torre
Publications of Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine
John Libbey Eurotext, Paris: volumes I –XI
• COLLERY Ph., POIRIER L.A., MANFAIT M., ETIENNE J.C. Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine. John Libbey Eurotext, Paris. 1990, vol.1, 600 pages.
• ANASTASSOPOULOU J., COLLERY Ph., ETIENNE J.C., THEOPHANIDES T. Metal ions in Biology and Medicine. John Libbey Eurotext, Paris. 1992, vol.2, 453 pages.
• COLLERY Ph., POIRIER L., LITTLEFIELD N., ETIENNE J.C. Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine. John Libbey Eurotext, Paris. 1994. Vol.3, 585 pages.
• COLLERY Ph., CORBELLA J., DOMINGO J.L., ETIENNE J.C., LLOBET J.M. Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine. John Libbey Eurotext, Paris. 1996. Vol.4, 703 pages.
• COLLERY Ph., BRÄTTER P., NEGRETTI DE BRÄTTER V., KHASSANOVA L., ETIENNE J.C. Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine. John Libbey Eurotext, Paris.1998. Vol.5, 775 pages.
• CENTENO J., COLLERY Ph., VERNET G., FINKELMAN R.B., GIBB H., ETIENNE J.C. Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine. John Libbey Eurotext, Paris. 2000. Vol.6, 816 pages.
• KHASSANOVA L., COLLERY Ph., MAYMARD I., KHASSANOVA Z., ETIENNE J.C. Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine. John Libbey Eurotext, Paris. 2002. Vol.7, 662 pages.
• CSER A., SZIKLAI-LÁSZLÓ I., ETIENNE J.C., MAYMARD I., CENTENO J., KHASSANOVA L., COLLERY Ph. Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine. John Libbey Eurotext, Paris. 2004. Vol.8, 568 pages.
• ALPOIM M.C, MORAIS P.V, SANTOS A, CRISTOVAO A.J, CENTENO J, COLLERY Ph. Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine. John Libbey Eurotext, Paris. 2006. Vol.9, 580 pages.
• COLLERY Ph., MAYMARD I., THEOPHANIDES T., KHASSANOVA L., COLLERY T. Metal ions in Biology and Medicine, John Libbey Eurotext, Paris. 2008. Vol.10, 937 pages.