
Philippe DALY


En résumé

Mes expériences de cadre dirigeant au service du développement économique territorial me permettent de conduire des stratégies et des démarches d'excellence conditionnant la performance des individus & organisations.

Ainsi, ma trajectoire est centrée sur le développement économique, l'aménagement du territoire, la formation, les enjeux de compétitivité et de performance socio-économique des PME-PMI.

Ce parcours m'a conduit à assumer des fonctions de direction, d'organisation, de gestion, de négociation et d'ensemblier, que ce soit dans le secteur privé ou au sein des réseaux consulaires.

Titulaire de trois masters II et de trois diplômes universitaires :
- Master en sciences du management
- Master en sciences économiques
- Master en sciences humaines et sociales
- Diplôme Universitaire de préparateur mental, interventions et aide à la performance
- Diplôme Universitaire d'Expertise Judiciaire
- Diplôme Universitaire Gestion de Crises et Sécurité Intérieure

J'ai développé une quadruple expertise :
- Gouvernance et stratégie d'entreprise
- Développement économique territorial
- Management des organisations
- Appui aux démarches d'amélioration de la performance individuelle et/ou collective

Auditeur de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale, et officier de réserve citoyenne de la Gendarmerie Nationale (lieutenant-colonel), je suis également passionné par les politiques publiques de sécurité nationale et la géopolitique.

Mes compétences :



    maintenant Scientific responsability in LILY project : advanced support for independant living. This is a human life-cycle approach in senior housing.This work is supported by European Union, ANR and National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy through AAL program. Our partners are the University of OULU in Finland, The Districal Joint Municipal Authority of Health Care in Raahe (Finland).
  • Publications - RESEARCH WORKS

    maintenant Research papers :

    1) "The role of training director's experience in developing knowledge and practice of learning. The study focus on my position of reflective practitioner – reflection-in- and –on-action.

    This research relies on my experience of “practitioner/researcher” which takes its roots in a “down-to-earth culture” (A.Peretti de, 2005) and on a practice of proven self-reflection-analysis.
    This self-reflection-analysis is linked with a professional career as a training director and managing director.
    Paradoxically, this practice being exercised on oneself and within oneself, is also reflexive and assists the development of adults who are training themselves. Training someone and self-training translate the sense that emerges from the system of training which comprises of the interaction between trainers and trainees with recursiveness on the condition that this interaction is completed by the ” willingness” to project oneself in the near future :that is to say, the intention of doing for which the production of knowledge remains for the trainer and the trainee the root of “self-training” (G. Pineau, 1986, p.129-146). Based on action, training and research, this system of training creates the condition for the emergence of “pragmatic knowledge” (D.Schön, 1983), or the “knowledge-process” in the “kowledge within action” meaning of J. Piaget (1967).
    The alternating knowledge came about through an intense dialogic exchange where the three kinds of knowledge - experiential, practical and theoretical - were mutually brought into question. The methodology of alternating learning in this way was essentially that of accompanying the emergence and the production of sense. The research itself was structured around the diverse interactions which took place between these different sources of knowledge. The principle of equality in the process of the co- construction of meaning is one which respects the logic that each form of knowledge is in itself valid.

    2) “How to switch from collective environmental management to an industrial ecology approach in creuse territory ?”
    Action research focus on implementation of industrial ecology in Creuse. Industrial ecology approaches are particularly relevant on a industrial park scale, within which the proximity of economic stakeholders facilitates these synergies. Furthermore, the public stakeholders who manage these areas try to make them more attractive. In this respect, industrial ecology is perceived as a genuinely sustainable territorial development strategy. However, despite numerous achievements throughout the world, for example certain eco-industrial parks in Asia, Oceania, North America or Europe, industrial ecology remains an “emerging” domain. In France, public authorities are slow to initiate really proactive policies.
    In light of the scarcity of natural resources, society must, in accordance with the principles of industrial ecology, strive for a quasi-cyclical mode of operation, characterised by limited requirements and discharge, as with mature ecosystems. To achieve this, it is necessary to reorganise the production system, notably via four major action strategies developed by Suren Erkman in his reference publication Vers une écologie industrielle (Towards industrial ecology, 1998):

    Systematic waste recovery:
    As with food chains in natural ecosystems, networks must be created for the use of resources and waste in industrial ecosystems, so that any residue can become a resource for another company or economic agent (for example via eco-industrial parks).

    Minimise dissipation loss:
    Nowadays in industrialised countries, product usage and consumption are often more polluting than the production process. Fertilisers, pesticides, tyres, varnishes, paints, solvents, etc. are products totally or partially dissipated into the environment during their normal usage. The idea is to design new products and services minimising this dissipation or making it harmless.

    Dematerialise the economy:
    The idea is to minimise total material (and energy) flows.
  • Chambre de Commmerce et d'Industrie - General Director

    2009 - maintenant
  • Chambre de Metiers et de l'Artisanat - Training Director

    Paris 2007 - 2009
  • BELFOR France (Gestion des sinistres)

    2006 - 2006

    2001 - 2004

    Villeurbanne 1999 - 2001

    1989 - 1999



Annuaire des membres :