
Philippe MATHIEU


En résumé

Always looking for new talents for projects in ticketing, passenger information systems or transport planning, You can contact us at contact@setim-mobility.com //Array

We offer consulting services for transport authorities and operators, to help them in IT projects for public transport : Fare collection, passenger information or CAD systems.

With a technical background in transportation and ITS, we are working on international projects, in South America, Asia, middle east

Mes compétences :
Business oriented
Open minded


  • SETIM - Director

    2011 - maintenant Creation of SETIM company, a service company dedicated to new technology consulting and implementation for public transport.
  • ACS Solutions de Mexico - Managing Director

    2008 - 2011 Reorganization of the company subsidiary
    Transformation and development of the company with positive results and new contracts
    P&L responsability
    Mamagement of a team made of 50 people
  • Affiliated Computer Services, ACS

    2000 - 2011
  • ACS (Boujan-sur-Libron) - Program Manager

    Guilherand-Granges (07500) 2000 - 2008 Program manager for the implementation of fare collection systems (Hong-Kong, Toulouse, Lille, Nancy...)
    Large experience in interoperability and multimodal systems
  • Itron France (Meudon) - Project Manager

    Vienne (38200) 1995 - 2001 Program management to expand the use of remote meter reading application for utilities based upon RF communication systems (France, Saudi Arabia, Eastern Europe...)
  • NIDOS - Electronics Engineer

    1992 - 1995 Electronics Engineer in charge of developping remote monitoring systems for nuclear reactors, in collaboration with Laue Lamgevin Institute (Grenoble) and Hahn Meitner Institut (Berlin)


  • ISIM Polytech

    Montpellier 1986 - 1989 Microelectronics engineer

  • Institut Universitaire De Technologies IUT (Montpellier)

    Montpellier 1984 - 1986 Mesures Physiques


Annuaire des membres :