Dr Philippe Maslo is a medical doctor and a healthcare communication specialist. He has been in charge of many information programs, in France, on the radio, TV and in many newspapers. He wrote many books on general public healthcare information.
In 1987, he was among the people who were the first to address the HIV issue in Africa and created the Pan African Organisation to Fight Aids (OPALS, in French). He was in charge of the communication and training programs and was the first to produce medical training videotapes for African doctors about AIDS. OPALS also created the famous “Centres de traitement ambulatoires” (outpatient treatment centres) which are still the main treatment centres all over French-speaking Africa (they are 13 of them).
Dr Philippe Maslo is also a private company manager. He managed some of the most prominent healthcare communication and advertising companies in France. Some of the companies he managed were branches from huge multinational companies, including Interpublic (world communication leader) and Publicis.
Mes compétences :
Assurance maladie
Ressources humaines
Santé Publique
Pas de formation renseignée