2013 - 2013I worked on a 1D software : TURBODesign-Pre, which is based on a 1D inverse design analysis. Its main objective is to provide the user with the meridional shape and the main inputs of the turbomachinery components which can then be used as a starting point for the 3D blade design by means of another software of the suite, TURBODesign-1.
- Creating the return channel design and optimizing the whole stage.
- Managing the multistage configuration and optimizing the whole compressor.
- Testing and validating the program by comparison with CFD calculation.
Skills developed:
- Knowledge in turbomachinery
- Programming skills in C++
- Managing the schedule
- Stagiaire en R&D
2012 - 2012- Réaliser un protocole expérimental visant à réaliser un référentiel complet des matériaux et revêtement SNECMA.
- caractériser l'utilisation de la magnétoscopie comme moyen de contrôle non destructive de corrosion interne sur des distributeur basse pression.
CNES - Kourou
- Stagiaire essais au sol
2011 - 2011Réaliser des essais d’intégration sur les infrastructures sol afin de les qualifier.