


En résumé

Mis en ligne en Avril 2014,Array est la place de marché agrégeant les expositions photographiques dans le monde.
Que ce soient des expositions à venir, actuelles..mais également les expositions passées, collectionneurs,
investisseurs, amateurs de photographie d'art, institutions, corporates, musées, commissaires d'expositions etc... sont en contact direct avec les artistes.
ARTDEO permet d'acheter des tirages d'expositions, en séries limitées, signées, légendées, datées, certifiées auprès de l'artiste ( à la demande ) au travers d'un système sécurisé de tiers de confiance, mais également de louer les expositions dans sa totalité ou en partie.

Mes compétences :
• Management - Gestion des équipes
• Stratégies de développement – Marketing / Commer
• Suivi de projets / production
• Formation – Enseignement
• Photographie digitale


  • - Founder / CEO

    2013 - maintenant Interview by: Jamey Keaten / Associated Press

    Why Artdeo?

    After a 6 month survey among the different actors in the Fine Art industry, we found out that many Art Collectors and Photo Lovers were frustrated with missing photography exhibits that they were invited to. Even searching on the internet for these Photo Exhibitions, most of the time there was nothing to access nor to see.

    Secondly, when they get invited to exhibits on the other side of the globe they are often unable to get there . So if that exhibit doesn't come to where they live, they'll never see it.

    Third: Sometimes there are two or three photo exhibition openings in the same day; and of course no one can do them all.

    Fourth: when Buyers go to photographers' Web sites, and all, or nearly all, photographers have sites, when they will click on the link that say "Exhibitions"; and this is what's really terrible, they get the date, place, and name of the exhibition, but if you want to see it, forget it ! These sites just list the exhibitions, but don't show any visuals !

    This is why we decided, to do a Web Support Platform that allows quick and easy access to all photo exhibitions around the world. Our Web Site makes them visible to Collectors and Photo Lovers, and at the same time allows photographers the use of ArtDeo as their exhibitions page on their individual web site.

    This allows photographers the chance to have access to sales directly. Linking up the buyer and the photographer.

    We're not a gallery, but a "Marketplace," even if we don't like that term because it's too businesslike. Let say a "Meetingplace"not only for up and coming Photo Exhibits, but past Photo Shows too. Putting these past shows online to give them a second life.

    Who are you targeting?

    We are essentially targeting photographers _ all photographers who have exhibitions. That's the absolute condition. So, if you haven't done a show, you can't get into ArtDeo with the exception of some virtual exhibits. Photographers on our Web site are going to get worldwide exposure, and give a second life to their past shows and put never-before-shown virtual exhibits in places where they can be put into showrooms and discovered by others and ultimately sell their prints, or even rent them out ........ and make MONEY. .

    Artdeo allows photographers to reach out to art lovers, collectors, foundations, corporate customers: Anyone who buys or would be happy to rent photo exhibitions.

    Why would a photographer go to ArtDeo ?

    Everybody wants to go worldwide, but when they do an exhibition opening, people come, and eat tiny sausages and drink a glass of wine, and the next day, there's practically no one. And when the photographers take down their shows and you ask: How many did you sell? "Not enough, I hope to sell afterwards." That's why we want to give a second life to these shows _ on the Web.

    Finally, the photographer may have a stack of photos at home that he wants to get into another exhibition ( gallery, festival etc..). We offer access to these exhibition possibilities online.

    What's your business model ?

    When we studied the market, most of the 'in between people / intermediaries' take an average commission of 50%, some are even taking as high as 80%.

    At Artdeo we will pay back 75 % of sales to the photographer, and we are also going to restore resale rights. What this means is: if you're an artist and someone buys a fine art print from you, if and when the buyer resells the print on Artdeo, the artist will get a cut. This is our rule.
  • WorldAssignment - Directeur Assignment

    2008 - 2011 WorldAssignment permet a un éditeur, directeur photo, directeur artistique.. ou quiconque à la recherche d'un talent ( photographe / videographe ) de trouver la perle rare au travers d'un moteur de recherche hypra qualifié. Vous cherchez un photographe à Hong Kong qui parle Polonais, spécialisé dans le portrait, travaillant en moyen format. disponible du 01 au 15 février. Les critères de recherche remplis, le système vous affiche tous les portfolios correspondants; Conserver ceux qui vous plaisent, et contactez directement les photographes/videographes pour leur envoyer votre brief.
    Économiser du temps, de l'argent en missionnant le talent in-situ.

    worldassignment for unmediated connections!

    An offer for image buyers: media, corporate, advertising, P.R agencies…
    • Time and money saving:
    A one-stop solution to view worldwide talent and to search whereabouts 24/7 . By finding the right photographer on site, you save on production costs.

    • Discovering new talent:
    The database is constantly enhanced by new talent, filtered and validated by their representatives. It includes all types of photography: news, sports, fashion, corporate, portrait, paparazzi, food, advertising…
    An offer for image producers: press and stock agencies,
    photographers and videographers’ agents, collectives, staff photographers,…

    • Worldwide visibility and making the most of your photographer’s whereabouts:
    A worldwide showcase where commissioners may discover and contact you. By updating your photographers’ moves, you allow clients to find them and therefore to approach you with an
    assignment request.

    • An unlimited roster of clients:
    Everyday, our worldwide sales team wins over new clients for you.
  • Agence VU - Directeur du Développement

    2006 - 2008 Développement du réseau de distribution à l'International au travers de partenaires qualifiés.
    Optimisation des flux photos et de l'intégration des photos dans la base de données en ligne.
    Monitoring des résultats des commerciaux ( presse, corporate, publicité, expositions )
  • PPCM Photo Press Communication & Media - CEO

    1993 - 2001 Fondateur, gérant de l'Agence de Presse 100% numérique, représentant des sources anglo-saxonnes ( Daily Mail, Daily Star , Daily Express , News of the World , Time magazine, Bettmann/Corbis , Archives de Life magazine, Big Pictures UK & USA, Retna UK & USA, Splash News, LGI, Kobal, Online USA ( Getty ) ...
  • CFPJ - Université Paris VII - Enseigant

    1983 - 1993 - Chargé de cours à Jussieu - Université Paris VII en Licence et maitrise ICST ( information communication Scientifique et Technique )
    - Enseigant en photojournalisme au Centre de Formation et de Perfectionnement des Journalistes - rue du Louvre à Paris
  • Photojournaliste - FreeLance

    1983 - 1993


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :