- Project manager
2016 - maintenant
Ædifica inc - Montréal, Canada
- Project manager
2013 - 2016
Project manager, based in the company’s headquarters (Canada), for large infrastructure projects in the Caribbean (hospitals, universities, embassies, schools, headquarters)
Program management and business development for the international activities of the company and Haitian subsidiary (ÆdificaSud)
UNOPS - Port-au-Prince, Haïti
- Housing Project Coordinator
2013 - 2013
International Consultant at UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Service - Housing project coordinator for a major governmental housing project
Responsible for the definition and implementation of a construction process of 350 new houses in informal neighbourhoods of Port-Au-Prince, as part of the 16/6 Project (Haitian government project)
Coordinator of construction sites for urban rehabilitation and reconstruction of collective sites in informal neighbourhoods of Port-Au-Prince
UNOPS - Port-au-Prince, Haïti
- Structural Engineer
2012 - 2012
International Consultant at UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Service - Structural Engineer in charge of the assessment, repair and reinforcement (retrofitting) of 1200 houses as part of the 16/6 Project (Haitian government project)
Fondation Architectes de l'urgence - Port-au-Prince, Haïti
- Country director - Portfolio manager
2011 - 2012
Country director for Haiti mission (25 expatriates employees, 100 Haitian employees)
Portfolio management for rehabilitation of medical facilities, construction of new houses and retrofitting of existing ones in informal neighbourhoods, construction of new schools and urban planning projects and programs
Representative for the NGO in Haiti and local director
Fondation Architectes de l'urgence - Port-au-Prince/Gressier, Haïti
- Project manager - Project engineer
2011 - 2011
Project manager on shelter and house retrofitting projects in the countryside of Haiti (construction of 400 temporary shelters and retrofitting - reparation and reinforcement - of over 1000 houses)
Project engineer for the rehabilitation of a medical health center in Cité Soleil in Haiti
Fondation Architectes de l'urgence - Gressier, HAITI
- Structural engineer in charge with retrofitting
2010 - 2010
Supervisor and coordinator of the technical teams for:
- Designing the assessment and retrofitting process for damaged houses
- Carrying out structural site inspections and assessment, and providing advice in seismic and hurricane-proof engineering
- Developing training material and providing training to implementation team (engineers, social workers, masons, carpenters)
- Construction administration and quality control
Université Lyon 2
- Head of the Major Project Office (Cellule Grands Travaux)
2009 - 2010
Supervisor of public works for the state university with respect to the French public procurement contract code (Code des Marchés Publics) for major construction and rehabilitation projects
Conseil Général du Rhône
- Engineer specialized in handicapped-accessible buildings
2009 - 2009
Consultant for the definition of a strategy for handicapped-accessibility assessments
Create a technical tool to help the French public services carry out a handicap-accessibility assessment of their public buildings
VINCI Construction France
- Site Manager associate
Nanterre Cedex
2009 - 2009
Site management for the construction of Hotel de la Région Rhône Alpes, in Lyon, France
VINCI Construction France
- Civil engineer associate specialized in price comparison studies
Nanterre Cedex
2008 - 2008
Multiple price studies on construction operations (medical infrastructures, shopping centers, civil engineering projects)
VINCI Construction France
- Workman and Construction Manager Associate
Nanterre Cedex
2007 - 2007
Internship as Workman and Construction Manager Associate on infrastructure sites (road building and network projects)