
Pierrick LAYREAU


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Aircraft Assembly
lean manufacturing
additive manufacturing
supply chain management
Operations management
Project management
materials properties
Matériaux composites
Amélioration continue
Manufacturing strategy


  • Benteler Automotive - Assistant Ingénieur Qualité

    2012 - 2013 • Traceability: Setting up/improvement of databases for the overall traceability on manufacturing units of a hybrid vehicle engine sub-frame and a utility vehicle rear-axle.

    • Setting up of a statistical means of process surveillance: with the help of a data mining software, analysis of the parameters influencing the nonconformity on hot stamping parts and definition of alert threshold on different parameters

    • Internal audits and FMEA review

    • Continuous quality improvement on the rear-axle production line


  • Cranfield University

    Bedford 2013 - maintenant MSc Aerospace manufacturing

    Main subjects include, Operations and supply chain management; Machining, Composite materials for high performances and welding technologies; Aircraft assembly
  • Université De Technologie De Compiègne (UTC)

    Compiegne 2011 - maintenant Main subjects include, economy and quality control, project management, elements of strength of materials, mechanical properties and engineering of materials, mathematical methods in engineering, value analysis
  • Lycée Henri Moissan

    Meaux 2009 - 2011 PSI


Annuaire des membres :