ALSTOM Collaborative Way Program : ACW
Cross Sector : Transport + Power
ACW goal is to promote collaboration within the company and draw up guidelines on new working practices.This is one of the key success factors in reaching business priorities such as operational performance, integration of new employees, organizational effectiveness, make Alstom the best place to work and speed up innovation. To reach this goal, Alstom provides means that facilitate, reward and favour the Search, Sharing and Connection between people and between data
- Transforming business needs on shared technical solutions
- Helping in the collaborative tools deployment
- Opportunity study on different subjects (BPM/ECM/Portals, …)
- Architecture conception and documentation.
- Upgrade of the information system of ACW.
- Helping on the use of collaborative tools inside Alstom.
- Helping on the industrialization of the ACW Support
Social Networking, Community Management, Web2.0, Collaborative Workplaces, SAP User experience
Confluence Wiki [2.9.1+/3.0] / Movable Type Blog / Web Conferencing - WEBEX / LDAP / Adobe LiceCycle BPM, Right Management / Alfresco
Rebuild of the whole nuclear information system of EDF
- Partners coordination
- Answer to requirements
- Sharing the knowledge between the 40 persons involved
MDM Prototype : Customer Master Data Referential – CDI
MMA desired to test MDM market solutions and better understand the MDM, they wanted to use a MDM market solution to build a prototype fully integrated to their environment. They needed to understand advantages of using a market solution instead of custom development.
- Animation of workshop on business, technologies and organizational requirements,
- Definition of functional requirements
- Definition of web services
- Definition of use cases of the prototype
- Contact with the vendor
- Recommendation on scenarios,
- Opportunity study for the pilot project,
- Scoping conclusions.
- Functional support of back office development team
Master Data Management, Customer Data Integration (CDI), Data Quality Management, SOA Architecture, Initiate Systems Master Data Management, Insurance company
- Animation of workshop on business, technologies and organisational requirements
- Benchmark of MDM solutions
- Recommendation on scenarios
- Opportunity study for the pilot project
- Scoping conclusions.
Bristol-Myers Squibb
- BI Consultant / Solution Architect
ETMS Harmonization, Setup Business Intelligence solution at EMEA level
Capgemini Consultant
BMS desired to harmonize 22 European countries with the same ETMS (CEGEDIM Teams™), and provide standard and ad-hoc reports to each country and EMEA depending on their needs.
- High level and detailed specifications for the House maid Master Data Management Tools (parameter management of countries ETMS and business master data)
- Architecture (functional requirements + technical design) of the European Datawarehouse and Datamarts
- High level specifications of ETL transformations between ATLAS (CEGEDIM ODS) to the DWH and from the DWH to the Datamarts.
- Coordination with the offshore team in India for ETL developments
- Integration of the MDM tool with the EMEA Datawarehouse.
- Help in definition if business governance for Master Data Management
CEGEDIM TEAMS, ATLAS, Offshore Developments, Master Data Management, Pharmacia industry, ERWIN Data Modeler 7, ATLAS, Oracle, Informatica