Mes compétences :
Finite elements
Numerical simulation
Reverse engineering
- Assistant Professor
Paris2011 - maintenant
Center for genomic regulation
- Post doctoral fellow
2010 - 2011INTERPOD-Marie Curie Fellowship
Quantitative 4D analysis of organogenesis
Interdisciplinary project between the Sensory Cell Biology and Organogenesis Laboratory of Hernan Lopez-Schier and the Systems Analysis of Development Laboratory of James Sharpe.
Ecole Centrale Paris
- Post doctoral fellow
CHÂTENAY-MALABRY Cedex2009 - 2010CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) post-doctoral fellowship at the MSSMat Laboratory at the Ecole Centrale Paris. Project title 'Numerical modelling of mechanotransduction and motility of the cell'.
Ecole Centrale Paris
- Teacher Assistant
CHÂTENAY-MALABRY Cedex2006 - 2009TD de Mécanique I (Licence 3), 25h/years
TP de AE Dimensionnement des structures composites (Licence3, Master 1), 128h/years
TD de MicroElectroMechanicalSystems (Master I), 20h/years
University of Illinois at Chicago
- Research Engineer
2005 - 2006Research engineer at Cell and Tissue Engineering Laboratory at University of Illinois at Chicago under the supervision of Sue McCormick. Project on: ”Development of a bi-layer flow chamber to study the fluid shear stress effects and the heterocellular signalling factors synthesized by endothelial and smooth muscle cells “.
Familiarization with cells cultures, experimental techniques (ELISA, Western blot and PCR).
University of Illinois at Chicago
- Teacher Assistant
2005 - 2006TP de Bioinstrumentation (Licence 3), 32h/years
TD et TP de Cell and tissue engineering (Licence 3), 20h/years of TD and 76h/years of TP