Hi Brethren,
Gospel is for those who long for the Gospel Treasures. Such people do not carry money in their pockets. Remember when the first Church of God, One Fold, headed by One Shepherd, Christ Jesus, was established people, who joined this community were Mammon-Free and Ananias and Sapphira were not Mammon Free and they were rotten sheep trying to enter the Fold and Peter killed them.
Anybody who takes money in the name of God, he is no better than the thief Judas Iscariot. In Jesus, we do not throw Pearls before swine as the one who did ended locked up in the silence of the graveyard. Jesus rescued him and drowned 2000 swine to teach them a lesson for maltreating his brother, a Virgin Bride. In Jesus, prayer and fasting are Anti-Christ as our Father, unlike demiurge Yahweh, lives in His Temple.
I am a retired lecturer in Metallurgy and Preach Christianity. Sikhism is the continuation of Christianity. I have proved the Virgin Birth of Jesus and here I present a link to my full article. If you are interested, then we can Preach Christianity by joining the Company of our Anointed Royal High Priest Christ Jesus, our Bridegroom.
You need a New Skin to contain the New Wine and this Jesus prepared at Cana when he asked the Labourers to rinse all aspects of the Old Wine from your heart. Fill the Vats, our physical body, with a clean heart in order to be an unbiased little child. Then, use holy spirit, common sense, to Brew Logo, His Word through logical reasoning. Here is the link to my article on the Proofs of Virgin Birth of Jesus:-
When God, our Supernatural Father Elohim, lives in His Greed-Free Temple, then do you need to pray and fast to Yahweh, demiurge Potter in heaven? No. It is Anti-Christ.
In our supernatural Father, the soul is his son and not a daughter. That is, when a person is solitary, she/he is a man, master of her/his own destiny. So, in Christ, we are the sons of most high whether in flesh male or female.
Or Unless a woman, a person who follows others as people do Pope, becomes a Man, a solitary master of his/her own destiny, she cannot enter into the Royal Kingdom of God. That is why Jesus made us Fishers of spiritual Men of the type of the born blind person – John 9 - and not of the spiritual women, the stooges of Pope, Neo-Temple High Priest.
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