


En résumé

Junior chemical engineer with over 3 years of industrial experience
Member of the OIQ (Quebec's Order of Engineers)
Self-starter, highly motivated and excellent verbal and written communicator
Able to adapt quickly, independent problem solver and rigorous
Good team worker and effective time management skills
Knowledge of chemical process, industrial facilities and design of mechanical machinery
Good knowledge of standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001
Optimize and control chemical process, Proficient in Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) and Process Flow Diagram PFD
Management of industrial process safety: HAZOP analysis
Control of thermo-fluid systems and mechanical equipment design
Good experience in managing industrial projects: Review for the management of change (MOC)

Mes compétences :
Recherche et Développement
Génie des procédés


  • BASF - Ingénieur Procédés et projets industriels

    Levallois-Perret 2011 - maintenant Managed different modifications in order to improve workshops.
    Analysed project applications and respond to tenders.
    Wrote specification and contact suppliers
    Planned and executed tasks to improve unit evaluation, product quality and process efficiency
    Ensured a good financial management of projects and monitoring of investments
  • Air Liquide - Internship: R&D Project Engineer «Oxy-combustion of fuel gases »

    Paris 2011 - 2011 Internship: R&D Project Engineer
    * Characterize the kinetics of low PCI flames for different types of fuel gas.
    * Evaluate Biomass Oxy-combustion process as a technology to improve the
    environmental emissions.
    * Use CHEMKIN Software to provide informations for burner design.
    * Carry out tests to validate burner design.
  • CEA-Grenoble (France) - Année de césure: Internship: R&D Project Engineer « Catalyst Optimisation: OPTICAT »

    PARIS 2009 - 2010 Research Project: OPTICAT:
    * Analyzed UHV sputtering of metallic nanoclusters for applications in catalysis and
    solar cell technologies.
    * Prepared and characterize catalytic structures of PtxCoy fabricated from nano-materials
    for application in fuel cell PEMFC.
    * Analyzed and reviewed complex energy measurements for transient Multi-Scale
    models of PtxCoy Catalysts.
    * Formulated an optimization model to reduce the catalysts degradation in PEMFC
  • RHODIA - Stage

    Courbevoie 2008 - 2008 Industry Discovery Internship
    * Carried out the inventory of the store.
    * Checked out the material request orders.
    * Reviewed orders by using SAP software.


  • University Of Waterloo, ON, CANADA (Waterloo)

    Waterloo 2010 - 2011 Chemical and Process Engineer

    Exchange Program with CPE Lyon
    Design Project : Design a plant using air pollution control
    Research project : Capture and Storage of CO2
    Analysis of the greenhouse gases effects
  • CPE Lyon (Villeurbanne)

    Villeurbanne 2007 - 2009 Chemical and Process Engineer

    Chemical and Process Engineering Department
    Industrial project : Dimensioning and optimization of methyl benzoate synthesis process
    Develop Heat and Material Balances using simulation software
    Simulation project : Separation process of Alpha-Olefins using ASPEN PLUS software
    Scientific Research project: Fluid Flow simulations using microchannels technology
  • IPEST (Preparatory Institute Of Scientific And Technical Studies) (La Marsa)

    La Marsa 2005 - 2007 Two-year intensive program for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
    Success at the French National Competitive Exam, in both Physics and Chemistry, for entry
    to French Engineering schools.
    Achieved the Tunisian Mathematics high school diploma with Highest Honors (90%) 2005


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