- Transversal architect
2014 - maintenant
Transversal architect on large e-governement projects
- Dematerialization Product Manager
2013 - 2014
In charge of Worldline Document Capture offering
- Open Source Consultant
2012 - 2012
Consulting on Internet Web browsers
Analysis of open source alternative bowsers to Internet Explorer
CNES - Toulouse
- IT & Open Source Consultant
2010 - 2011
IT consulting on license checking tools
French Ministry of Finances
- Technical & Strategic Intelligence Manager
2008 - 2012
Biggest European contract for expertise and support services on open source software
French Ministry of Finances
- Team leader & Consultant
2007 - 2010
SODA - Development Factory
Coordination of several industrialization projects
- IT Consultant & Program Coordinator
2007 - 2008
Common Linux Desktop and Collaborative Forge
Deployment of Open Source environment for embedded development
La Poste
- IT Architect
2007 - 2007
ECM architecture for internal HR portal
Enterprise Content Management for 22 000 users (official HR document repository)
EDF Energy
- IT Consultant
2007 - 2007
Collaborative Development Environment
CDE selection, integration and deployment
- IT Consultant
2006 - 2006
Selection of a ticket management solution
Comparison and selection of open source ticket management systems
French National Assembly
- IT Consultant
2006 - 2006
Consultancy on the French deputies' new desktop
Multicriteria comparative study of several scenarios
French Army - CERSIAT
- IT & Open Source Consultant
2006 - 2006
Opportunity study on collaborative messaging systems
Migration of French army's messaging system to a JAVA/XML open source solution
EDF Energy
- IT & Open Source Consultant
2005 - 2005
Global opportunity study on open source
Study on replacement of 40 proprietary solutions by open source alternatives
France Telecom
- IT & Open Source Consultant
2005 - 2005
Opportunity study on RDBMS
Update a RDBMS internal catalog (uses case, decision criteria)
- IT & Open Source Consultant
2005 - 2005
Opportunity study on open source Office suite
Study on migration of 25 000 desktops from Microsoft Office to OpenOffice.org
- IT Consultant
2005 - 2005
Alternatives to JEE application server and RDBMS
Study of alternatives to BEA Weblogic and Oracle Database
Oberthur Technologies
- IT Consultant
2004 - 2004
Opportunity study of a L4G IDE
Study regarding Wyde e-WAN IDE adoption
- Responsible for the Open Source Consulting Unit
2004 - 2012
Atos dedicated skill center for open source expertise
- Business analyst, IT architect & developer
2003 - 2004
ISPT project
Application for railways signalization design
- IT Architect
2002 - 2003
Learning Management System
Architecture redesign of a central and critical LMS
SNCF - Direction du Fret
- IT Consultant
2001 - 2002
Consulting on application integration
Transformation and modernization of the Information System
- IT Architect
2000 - 2001
Union de Banques à Paris (French bank subsidiary of HSBC)
PASS AGORA project
Design, development and deployment of a new banking Information System
Gide Loyrette Nouel
- IT Architect
1999 - 1999
Migration of IT international infrastructure
Design and deployment of messaging and workgroup infrastructures
Hôpitaux de Tarbes, Lourdes et Lannemezan
- IT Architect
1999 - 1999
Deployment of a Health Information System
Architecture design of the Crossway HIS deployment between three hospitals
French Embassy in USA
- Engineer
1998 - 1998
Studies for the French Embassy
First year engineer internship
ESMT (Sénégal)
- Teacher & Webmaster
1997 - 1999
Computer science teacher and webmaster in an African multinational school of Telecom