Expert IT Management
I am a consultant helping some of world's leading organisations to change the way they work with data, processes and technology to better serve their clients and achieve other objectives. This can include transformation programmes, continuous improvement culture-building, and increasingly, data strategy.
I work directly with larger consulting firms. My preferred approach is first-principle-based. I work hard to engage all layers of an organisational hierarchy. I have developed techniques that rapidly and efficiently build as-is and to-be models that any stakeholder can define and understand from their own perspective.
Recent clients have included investment banks and public services companies but previously I have also enjoyed working in engineering, manufacturing.
Fondateur du cabinet,implanté initialement sur Bordeaux et maintenant sur Paris,nous intervenons principalement auprès des Directions Générales et des DSI dans la maîtrise du système d'information et la transformation.
Nos spécialités sont :
- la transformation des équipes et des hommes,
- les Schémas Directeurs et études d'Urbanisation des SI,
- la direction des grands projets.
Conseil en management stratégique de système d'information j'aide nos clients à positionner leur SI comme levier et à en améliorer la performance.
Méthodes, standards et outils
Audit IFACI, DEE (processus), Nolan & Norton, BPM, DeVenir (vente), ROI, TCO, ABC/ABM, Business Case
Référentiels de bonnes pratiques IT : Urbanisation (LONGEPE + Club Urba), COBIT, CMMI,
Outils AFAI, Outils CIGREF, EA
Mes compétences :
Direction générale
Ressources humaines