


En résumé

Ridha taking in charge the indirect material and services purcahses & Vendor audit for Ericsson Algeria.Looking for an over seas experience

Mes compétences :
Ms office
strategic sourcing



  • Ericsson - Strategic Sourcing Manager

    MASSY 2013 - maintenant Taking in charge the sourcing for project the scope includes installation services ,tools test and measurement equipment , HW ,SW and licences ,Delivery ,custom clearance , warehousing services and resources ,,work mainly on the ongoing very exiting LTE project for Algerie Telecom ,involved as well in 3G project (ATM ,WTA) ,field maintenance (WTA),spare part management system project (WTA)
    Handling as well the monthly reporting of saving both on the shared regional file and SAP warehousing tool .

  • Ericsson - LAA (Authorized legal Approval )

    MASSY 2009 - 2009 responsabilities:
    -Handling the sourcing part of the migriation from Iscala to SAP (the vendor file ,the users file)
    -Coordinate for the smooth transition from the old platform toward SAP
    Subcontractor information , internal training for Assistant and Managers
    -Granting Acess to new users ,Assistant and line managers to SAP and register the new suppliers

    Key Achieveement:
    -migriation done in the frame time no delay had been accused
    -the accurancy of the provided data for the migriation for more than 200 vendor
    -the training of the SAP users an make them familiar with the new Platform
  • Ericsson /MUNAF - IM&S Strategic Sourcing Buyer

    2009 - 2013 Responsabilities:
    -Prepare the six month commodity strategy to meet the global strategy for cost saving (IS/IT, marketing &communication, Facility management,human Ressource &compensation,Real estate )
    -review the prepared Strategy each six month and propose new idea for cost saving
    -take in charge the vendor governanace ,the quartely performance score card , and propose action plan to drive vendor exellence
    -look for subcontractor ,evaluate ,select with the sourcing community and implement agreemnt that meet ericsson general conditions for service and products
    -Realize the saving targets and report the saving to the country sourcing manager on monthly basis
    -Handling and manage 25 landlords and 25 subcontractors under different commodities (External competence ,Facility management, Financial services, IS/It ,Logistic services, Marketing and communication, Real estate and travel )

    Key Achivement:
    coming soon
  • Ericsson - Sourcing officer

    MASSY 2008 - 2008 Responsabilities
    -Taking in charge Po placement
    -Follow subcontractor paiment
    -Request for internal quotation
    -Taking in charge the Po dommiciliation for foreign subcontractors
    key achivement :
    -95% Po compliance
    -Great contribution for indirect materiel & services saving


  • Ericsson Italy (Rome)

    Rome 2010 - 2010 supplier code of conduct auditor

    Sourcing - it was 2 days theorical training & 3 days on site audit of three italian companies
    At the end of this training i am able of auditing Ericsson's critical suppliers & make sure that they are compliant with Ericsson's code of conduct requirement
  • INSIM (Algiers)

    Algiers 2006 - 2008 Master on Marketing Management

    an intensive cursus on Marketing & management
  • Constantine University (Constantine)

    Constantine 2002 - 2006


Annuaire des membres :