- Directeur business unit contamination management solutions
Paris1996 - maintenantdirecteur advanced systems and business development Alcatel Vacuum Products Public Company; 10,001+ employees; Semiconductors industry
1996 – Present (16 years)
-Business Unit management
->products : Equipments for molecular contamination monitoring
and decontamination
-> markets semiconductor, pharma, biotech ..
up to 2005 :
-R&D and business development director for new vacuum technologies
-European and national programs management ( hold over 15 patents , 1 to 2
new product /year , enlarge customer & partner network )
-Business development : New market development and sales of product preseries worldwide
I.E new products :micro / mini pumps & roots concepts , product for FPD and solar market ; X ray source, plasma sensor , pressure control for process control ; gaz treatment ; wafer handling & loadlock solutions ..)
ST Microelectronics
- Equipment engineering director
Montrouge1980 - 1996equipment engineering director (ST CROLLES) ST Microelectronics Public Company; 10,001+ employees; STM; Semiconductors industry
1980 – 1996 (16 years)
up to 96 : based in USA and Japan ,creation and development of new project team for 200/300mm process and equipment + engineering equipment director at ST CROLLES
up to 93 :from ground to production phase , management built up of the first 200mm fab 'ST CROLLES' in Europe (project design,hiring staff ,equipment selection, lay out &installation , production ramp up)