Graduated in "Information System and Management Control" at the Gtraduate School of Management of Rennes.
The combination of those two specialties which are different but with a deep link gives me all the keys to understand the needs of any financial department, in information, analysis and decision tools.
Between my fourth and fifth year of university study I completed an International Business University degree by spending one year in Shanghai, where I could study mandarin and the Chinese culture and realized a 6 months internship in an international environment.
This experience improves and broadens my skills to work with people from a different culture and my sense of adaptability.
My previous experience in management control and the year spending in China, has reinforced my view about the importance and the quality of the Information System for a company and in particular for the Finance Department.
More and more data to treat to be able to take the right decision and this more and more rapidly is a real challenge. And the information system is the keystone to take up this challenge.
I intend to pursue my professional path in Asia where the market of the Information System is in particular increase.
My education and professional experiences in China strengthened my adaptability and opened my eyes about the challenge for foreign company to manage his activity in an international context.
My goal is to combine my good command in mandarin language and my understanding of the Information System and the needs of the financial department to help companies to be more efficient and better face a rapidly moving environment.
Mes compétences :
Pack office
Système d'information
Contrôle de gestion