


En résumé

Je travail dans un societe nationnal au sud algerien ; et je participé a des travaux d’intervention sur les machines de production electrique

Mes compétences :
Installation and Commissioning


  • Sonelgaz - Ingenieur d'etudes

    2011 - maintenant
  • Electricity Production Company - Mechanical engineer

    2011 - maintenant * Currently I am in charge of the post of mechanical Engineer. My task is to ensure and perform maintenance work on an annual maintenance schedule and within deadlines. During my occupation in this position I have done several interviews operations:
    * Two major inspection type gas turbine MS 5001P 25 MW IN-SALAH. ;
    * 02 partial inspections (combustion inspection. CI) of a turbine frame 5 (5001 P) type produced gas as part of maintenance contract with General Electric in IN-SALAH ALGERIA. ;
    * 07 partial inspections (combustion inspection. CI) of a turbine frame 9 (9001 E) type produced gas as part of maintenance contract with General Electric in IN-SALAH ALGERIA. ;
    * Installation and commissioning of the fuel system (02) gas turbines frames 5 types 5001 P IN-SALAH ALGERIA. ;
    * Two inspections (HGPI) of à gas turbine frame 9 et 5.

    * . ;
  • SGS - Supervisor

    Arcueil 2011 - 2011 stallation and connection of wells (HP-BP) with SGS in SONATRACH.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :