With a technical background in embedded software development on mobile platforms since 2000, I am currently customer project manager in charge of several international projects for deployment of secured video streaming services on Android and IOS platforms.
My main expertise areas are:
- Project management (familiar with various methodologies such as CMMI, Agile Scrum and Kanban, waterfall developments within international and multicultural environment).
- Multimedia (embedded audio/video applications on various operating systems and mobile platforms (Linux, Wndows Mobile, Android, Bada, IOS)
- Telecommunication: GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS (low layer protocol stack), Network protocols (HTTP, TCPIP, RTSP/RTP, VoIP)
Beside the technical background and expertise, I had the opportunity to develop my personal and cross-cutting skills, which are very important in project management.
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Protocole TCP/IP
Video IP
Développement Android