


En résumé

Senior Software Engineer (NXP Semiconductors)

Mes compétences :
Telecommunication Network


  • Sagemcom - Software Engineer

    Rueil-Malmaison 2015 - maintenant Set Top Box
    Digital TV
    Middleware, Drivers
    Embedded Linux
  • NXP Semiconductors - Senior Software Engineer

    Colombelles 2012 - 2015 Developement and support for Integration of a middleware for a multimedia player SDK (TV, VOD, Live, Streaming),
    used for Android TV downloadable applications on mobile devices and on Windows PC

    - Video player features and functionalities definitions with user experience approach
    - Development of features and functionalities of player SDK development
    - Customer project interface. Work close to the customer to help for SDK integration, issue caracterisation and fix, until service deployment. Support after deployment. Change request analysis,
    - Maintenance and support of SDK, investigation, analysis and issue fix, validation and non regression test
    - On site support

    Environement :
    - HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), DRM (Verimatrix)
    - Software/Hardware decoding integration
    - Agile methodology (Scrum, Kanban)
    - Customer support
    - working in International environement

    Technologies and tools :
    - Android / Java / C/C++ / Jni / Native code
    - Perl, bash, Linux, Windows
    - Real time software
    - API design
    - Software Design (Enterprise Architect) UML and design pattern
    - Google Analytics
    - Android Studio, Eclipse, Visual C++, Source Insight, SVN, Atlassian (JIRA,Confluence)
  • NXP Semiconductors - Software Engineer

    Colombelles 2010 - 2012 Development in C/C++/Java and integration of functionalities in a native multimedia video player for Android smartphones (video player used instead of google video player) :

    - local file formats support (mp3, aac, wav, amr, 3gp, mp4, avi, wmv, asf, mkv)
    - streaming : RTSP, HTTP Progressive Download, HTTP Streaming (HLS)
    - Audio and Video HW decoding integration
    - investigation, analysis and issue fix, validation and non regression tests
    - help integration teams and on site support and validation in Europe (Germany, LG) and in Asia (South Korea, LG)

    Technologies and tools :
    - C, C++, Java, python, perl, bash, shell, Android, Codecs Audio/Video, Streaming Audio/Video, Linux, Windows
    - Eclipse, Visual C++, Source Insight, SVN, suite Atlassian (JIRA,Confluence)
    - Agile methodology (Scrum, Kanban), V cycle, Software architecture
  • NXP Semiconductors - Junior Software Engineer

    Colombelles 2008 - 2010 Development and maintenance in C language of a native multimedia video player for feature phones:

    - local file formats support (mp3, aac, wav, amr, 3gp, mp4, avi, wmv, asf, mkv)
    - streaming : RTSP, HTTP Progressive Download
    - investigation, analysis and issue fix, validation and non regression tests
    - help integration teams
    - Interoperability tests sessions in customer offices in Europe (Poland, Italy and Spain, Samsung)
    - Member of IMTC (International Mobile Telecommunication Consortium) for interoperability tests

    Environnement technique :
    - C, bash, Codecs Audio/Vidéo, Streaming Audio/Vidéo, Windows
    - Visual C++, CM Synergy, Change Synergy, ClearQuest
    - V cycle, software architecture
    - International working environement (Europe and Asia)
  • THALES Communications (Land & Joint Systems) - Stage de fin d'études (6 mois)

    2007 - 2007 Dans le cadre d’un produit de radiocommunications tactiques HF:

    mots clés : Traitement du signal, communications numérique, radiocommunications, télécommunications, DSP, langage C ANSI, algorithmie virgule fixe.
  • HITRONETIC - CDD Technicien (2 x 1.5 mois) Etés 2005 et 2006

    2005 - 2006 Paramétrage, programmation et maintenance de modules d’enregistrement de vidéosurveillance embarqués (micros, cameras, enregistreurs : images et sons) pour transports urbains, tests et validation en atelier et sur sites.
    Rédactions de rapports et de procédures.
  • JPC Dépannages - Stage de BTS (1 mois)

    2002 - 2002 Détection de pannes d’appareils électronique grand public, câblage et soudure de cartes. Installation d’antennes de réception TV analogique et numérique.
  • S3G Gest n Sport - Agent de sécurité, hôte d’accueil Evenementiel

    2002 - 2006 Lors d’événements sportifs et culturels au Stade de France : surveillance, travail en équipe sur le contrôle billetterie, application du plan Vigipirate aux véhicules et aux personnes, acceuil, information et orientation du public.



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