Mes compétences :
Mobilité internationale
Compétence interculturelle
Recherche scientifique
INM - Leibniz Institut für neue Materialien
- Étudiante-chercheuse
Saarbrücken2016 - 2017
- Étudiante-chercheuse
2013 - 20143 projets:
- Dye-sensitized solar cell
- Mechanochemical preparation of benign by design nanomaterials from biopolymers: methods and catalytic applications
- Development of a multi-enzyme solution for the valorization of industrial food co-products and organic food waste from cafeteria
Université De La Sarre/Universität Des Saarlandes (Saarbrücken/Sarrebruck)
Saarbrücken/Sarrebruck2015 - 2017Master
Master AMASE (ERASMUS MUNDUS Joint European Master Programme on Advanced Materials Science and Engineering)
Luleå University Of Technology (LTU) (Luleå)
Luleå2014 - 2015Master
Master AMASE (ERASMUS MUNDUS Joint European Master Programme on Advanced Materials Science and Engineering)
KAIST (Daejeon)
Daejeon2012 - 2012Exchange Student
The Hong Kong University Of Science And Technology (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong2011 - 2014Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)